Leid Stories–Behind the Flynn Hearing: The ‘I’ Word?—05.09.17

The ongoing probe into President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s alleged dealings with and unreported income he earned from high-level Russian officials is at center stage in Washington. The spillover has enmeshed the Obama administration and the former president himself, who had fired Flynn and hard warned Trump against hiring him, allegedly because Flynn was considered a security risk.

Meditations and Molotovs – 05.08.17

On today’s program, Vince plays Part 4 of Adam Curtis’ documentary, “Century of the Self.” In this episode, “Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering,” Curtis explains how politicians on the left, in both Britain and America, turned to the techniques developed by business to read and fulfill the inner desires of the self. Both New Labour, under Tony Blair, and …

Alternative Visions – Is the US Economy Deteriorating? + Is Trump Really President? – 05.05.17

Jack Rasmus looks at some contrarian negative indicators that the US economy is stumbling: reports show productivity and fixed investment are nearly stagnant. Bank loans in 2017 are growing less than 3% compared to 10% in 2014-16, retail sales are negative last two months, the worst since 2010. Auto sales are declining three months in a row, worst since 2008. …

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 04.12.17

The Conspiracy Guy #20: The cruise missile attack in Syria has turned the Trump administration into the laughing stock of the world. Assad surrendered his stock of chemical weapons after an earlier “false flag” attack in 2013, when Russia produced a 50-page dossier proving that it had been done by the rebels, not by the government of Syrian, and negotiated the …

Meditations and Molotovs – 04.03.17

On today’s program, Vince revisits a theme he’s written and talked about for many years: blowback, or, the unintended yet predictable consequences of militarism and empire. Russia, as a result of their military actions in the Middle East and beyond, experienced another form of blowback today, as nine people were murdered when someone (or a group of people) detonated an explosive device in a crowded metro station in St. Petersburg.

Black Agenda Radio – 03.27.17

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Human Rights Watch pretends to defend vulnerable people from abuse by powerful forces all around the world. But, most of the time, Human Rights Watch defends U.S. foreign policy. And, as the pace of prison activism increases by the month, Prison Radio brings you voices from behind the bars.

The Gary Null Show – 03.02.17

Thursday March 3rd 2017’s episode of The Gary Null Show has an impactful show for you. The show leads off with the latest in health and healing covering the topics good bacteria vs bad bacteria, how acupuncture can help with the stress of your daily life. In the second of the program Gary shows you how he’s more than just a health expert covering topics of Hilary Clinton and Obama, the media and the latest with Trump.

Alternative Visions – Old Elites Step Up Attack on Trump – 02.17.17

Dr. Rasmus discusses how the intensifying attacks on Trump administration represent an historic internecine conflict between old and new wings of the US ruling elites and not ‘democracy vs. fascism’. Rasmus offers an analysis of the first month of the Trump regime and its growing conflicts with the Media, the ‘deep state’ 17 intelligence communities, federal state bureaucracies, and political parties of Democrats and moderate Republicans. Revisiting his November article ‘Tameing Trump’, Rasmus explains the meaning of last week’s firing of NSA Flynn, Trump’s backtracking on China, his reassuring Canada and Japan prime ministers on trade, and his revisiting of his muslim country travel bans. How the Flynn affair was a warning ‘shot across the bow’ for Trump to back off his proposed foreign policy changes with Russia and NATO. How the US spends $700billion a year subsidizing NATO and Europe and how US control of NATO is key to control of Europe politically and economically. The policy areas of conflicts between Trump and the old elites. Rasmus explains how old neoliberal elites (media, parties, spy agencies, state bureaucracies) continue to build a case on Trump and either ‘tame’ him or dump him—but only after he delivers on massive corporate-investor tax cuts, deregulation of healthcare and banks, and checking his trade initiatives. The grass roots base of Trump vs. old elites is discussed.