Infectious Myth – Online Voting – 05.24.16

David talks with Areeq Chowdhury, founder and chief executive of Web Roots Democracy, a United Kingdom-based organization that promotes the idea of online voting in British elections to combat apathy and increase voter turnout, especially among the young. Following that interview David reviews news articles on criminal justice, guns, medicalization of birth and treatment of ADHD and depression.

Dean Baker – Convincing the Young to Blame the Old, Not the Rich

The Washington Post‘s Catherine Rampell devoted a column (12/24/15) to a popular Washington pastime: trying to get young people angry at their parents and grandparents so that they are not bothered by the enormous upward redistribution of income taking place in this country. She begins the piece by telling readers that college students are wasting their time complaining about diversity …

Paul Rogat Loeb – Youth Vote at Record Low — Here’s How to Reverse the Trend

The numbers are dismaying. According to a new US Census report, only 20% of eligible 18-29-year-olds voted in 2014. It was the lowest turnout in 40 years, below even 2010’s doleful 24%. Mid-term youth turnout is always low. But these numbers suggest a generation profoundly disconnected from the electoral choices that will help shape their world. Yet the decline need not …

U.S. Voter Turnout is Low Because There’s Little to Vote For

Voter suppression plays an important role in keeping Black turnout below that of whites, but does not explain why overall U.S. voter participation is far below most developed countries on the planet. The reason is simple: the rich control both political parties and, as a result, “the U.S. offers the narrowest spectrum of electoral choices in the industrial world.” Voting …

The Roots of Netanyahu’s Electoral Victory: Colonial Expansion and Fascist Ideology

“It is always a meritorious deed to get hold of a Palestinian’s possessions” The code of Jewish Law revised and updated by Benjamin Netanyahu             Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election makes him the longest serving prime minister in Israel’s history.  His 20% margin of victory (30 Knesset seats to 24 for his nearest opponent) underlines the mass base of his consolidation of power.             Most critical commentators …