The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks speaks with Our Special Guests for tonight’s show are Mommie Activist Karen Garrison, who’s twin sons were wrongfully convicted and Attorney Malcom Young, who heard about many accounts of returning prisoners who, despite doing everything required of them, were unable to find work.
The Gary Null Show – 10.13.16
Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with health and healing. Gary covers topics such as eating plants can reduce cancer risks and how radiola can optimize health benefits. Gary Null takes a look at the war on drugs on and how the conditions in jail are only getting worse. Before going to a Talk Back segment where listeners call in with the greatest questions Gary plays a couple of audio clips “Obama trashing Hillary Clinton in 2008” “Why Hillary Clinton’s War Record Matters”.
Adele M. Stan – The Normalization of Evil in American Politics
Time was when a presidential candidate who played footsie with segregationists and white supremacists would have been banished to the fringes of the American political scene. But Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has changed all that. Oh sure, there have been plenty of codes telegraphed to the anti-black base of the GOP’s southern flank: Ronald Reagan’s choice of Philadelphia, Mississippi, …
The Gary Null Show – 05.04.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave us great health and Healing news that you can read about when you click on the links. Listen to the show again to hear Gary’s personal take on all this. Enjoy:
Eating black raspberries significantly lowers cardiovascular disease
Vitamin stops the aging process of organs
A Mediterranean style diet decreases levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein
Eating too much red meat ‘can age the body’, researchers claim
Grapes help counter negative effects of high fat diet
Novel bitter melon extract show metabolic and anti-obesity effects: Study
Frozen food products recalled over possible Listeria contamination
New York City’s housing and homelessness crisis intensifies under de Blasio
Australia, U.S. financially penalize citizens refusing vaccines
Gary read his article on Vaccines on yesterday’s show. Listen here:
Is two hours of screen time really too much for kids?
Gary talks briefly about the rumors regarding the doctors who discovered cancer enzymes in vaccines and how they were all found murdered. Don’t pay it any mind, its all false.
Gary goes to a break and plays this classic: Mack the Knife-Bobby Darin
Gary comes back to finish the show with these topics:
War on Drugs ‘is an unmitigated disaster’: Former Latin American heads of state
VIDEO: The DEA is Top Drug Dealer in US and ATF is Top Gun Trafficker
Gary talks to the audience about drugs and prison and then he brings on a Holistic Psychotherapist and Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry. Her name is June Kiefer – Self Care Solutions. She will be coming in on Sundays to help out and here is her number: 631-981-8807
Thomas Frank – Bill Clinton’s crime bill destroyed lives, and there’s no point denying it
Here is an actual headline that appeared in the New York Times this week: Prison Rate Was Rising Years Before 1994 Law. It is an unusual departure for a newspaper, since what is being reported here is not news but history – or, rather, a particular interpretation of history. The “1994 Law” to which the headline refers is the Violent Crime Control …
Meria Heller Show – 04.03.16
Meria interviews John Potash on his latest book “Drugs As Weapons Against Us, The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac and Other Activists”. The war on drugs is a war on us; Tupac was a serious political activist as was his family; Co-intel-pro took him out; radical black movements targeted, media never covered them properly; Lennon, Hendrix, Cobain into left politics (thus a threat); Drugs used against them; Brian Jones of the Stones murdered; was Michael Jackson targeted? US intel gets them on drugs, then uses them, then kills them; MKUltra; war on dissidents; anti-war movements; all drugged today; Elvis and his handlers; Lennon on Elvis; Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love/MKUltra; Project Monarch; Assassins for the CIA; Alan Freed-scapegoated; Grateful Dead – who were they? Ronald Stark & U.S. Intel; dosing the Beatles and Stones and so much more.
Dylan Ryan – The US Federal Government Finally Admits the War on Drugs is a Failure
The war on drugs officially kicked off in 1971 when president Richard Nixon addressed the nation in a press conference explaining how the recent passage of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 would provide the legal framework and material support for a new kind of war, the war on drugs. “We must wage what I have …
America’s war on drugs is empowering Mexico’s drug cartels By Don Winslow
I’ve been writing about the war on drugs for 15 years. That’s a sad statement, if you think about it. Particularly given that 15 years is less than half the life of this particular war, which, at 44, has gone on longer than the Civil War, World War II, Vietnam and Afghanistan combined. The war has multiple fronts, but my particular beat …
Human Rights Abuses Rampant Under Drug War, 100 Groups Tell UN – Lauren McCauley
Citing large scale human rights abuses and discriminatory enforcement practices, more than 100 organizations on Wednesday sent an open letter (pdf) to the United Nations calling for a significant shift in global drug policy. The international coalition is comprised of non-governmental organizations and drug reform advocacy groups—such as Human Rights Watch, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Drug Policy Alliance—as well …
Same Surveillance State, Different War
It’s been a long 22 months since the first of thousands of classified government documents became public in what has turned into a drumbeat of astonishing revelations about the scope of mass surveillance carried out by the United States government. On Tuesday evening, USA Today detailed a massive surveillance operation, run by the intelligence arm of the Drug Enforcement Agency, that began in …