Progressive Radio Network

War on Terror

Rob Seimetz and Giorgio Cafiero discuss the inner workings of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the GCC's relationship with countries around the world. Giorgio…
Trend forecaster Gerald Celente provides a “globalnomic” view on how all roads lead to gold. The War on Terror continues, tensions in Israel escalate, and…
As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security…
Anyone who is even barely informed knows by now that the “official 9/11 story” is a complete fantasy. The event did, however, provide the US…
In brief, the Global War on Terror sledgehammer strategy has spread jihadi terror from a tiny corner of Afghanistan to much of the world, from…
Well-documented facts pertaining to the 9/11 wars, all supported by sustainable evidence, have barely made inroads into the collective consciousness of Western media consumers. The…
Vice’s Jason Leopold (4/6/16) has uncovered documents showing the CIA had a role in producing up to 22 entertainment “projects,” including History Channeldocumentary Air America: The CIA’s…
Only peace, not more police surveillance at home and military intervention in foreign lands can win the War on Terror. Celente also reviewed the deep…
Linda Sartor speaks about her experiences as an 'unarmed peacekeeper' in conflict zones, including Occupied Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. Her new book is…
The global aerospace and defense industry is out of its doldrums. According to a new report by the accounting firm Deloitte, “the resurgence of global…
The techno-narcissism of predatory neoliberal capitalism is locked into an endless war with the bastard monster of its own creation - Islamic State Fifteen years…
BELFAST, Dec 31 2015 (IPS) - In November 2015 I visited Syria together with an International Peace delegation. This was my third visit to Syria…