Leid Stories – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Prophetic Warning About Sellout Leaders, Treacherous Liberals and the Purpose of Voting – 04.05.16

On May 17, 1957, in the burgeoning phase of the modern civil-rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. addressed a demonstration in Washington, D.C., calling for congressional action on a slate of laws to end racial segregation and assure African Americans equal rights. The Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom drew demonstrators largely from churches, religious groups and people sympathetic to the cause, and was an early indication of the pivotal role King would play in at once galvanizing support and momentum for the movement and challenging the power structure’s resistance to the movement’s demands.

On April 5, 1968, the nation and the world were coping with the full weight of the news that King was assassinated previous night, cut down on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn., where he had gone to organize support for African American sanitation workers open strike for equal pay and better working conditions. King was 39 years old.

A decade earlier, in the nation’s capital, King had taken up the mantle and made the clarion call for freedom, justice and equality. He also warned that the protracted struggle would entail battles with sellout leaders, treacherous liberals and the political currency of the hard-won right to vote.

Leid Stories – Getting Berned: Sanders’ Devolution to the Un-Democratic Party – 03.28.16

Landslide victories over Hillary Clinton in Saturday’s Democratic primaries in Alaska, Hawaii and Washington have given “momentum” to Bernie Sanders’ campaign, the Vermont senator says. But where Sanders needs momentum most—in winning 2,383 of party’s delegates to clinch the nomination—he’s way behind Clinton and, worse, showing signs that his promised political revolution inevitably will be a devolution of standard party politics.
Leid Stories says Sanderistas should prepare for a sellout.

Leid Stories – Cuba and Israel: The Media and Their Messages – 03.21.16

President Barack Obama yesterday began a historic, three-day visit to Cuba—the first by a U.S. president in 88 years, and the result of Obama’s diplomatic effort, which he began in December 2014, to normalize relations with Cuba since U.S.-imposed isolationist hostilities in 1959.

Also yesterday, the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, considered the most powerful and influential lobbying group for Israel, began its three-day 2016 policy conference at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. All presidential candidates, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, are slated to address the group.

Both events, fraught with implications for U.S. foreign policy, are receiving intense media attention, practically equating the weight and importance of both events. The tone of coverage, however, differs markedly. Leid Stories explains why.

What Women Must Know – How to Read a Blood Test for a Longer, Healthier Life with James LaValle – 02.04.16

James LaValle, R.Ph., C.C.N. is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, board certified clinical nutritionist, author, educator, industry consultant and clinical practitioner/pioneer in the field of natural therapeutics.

He is one of the nation’s top influencers in legitimizing integrative medicine, and was named one of the “50 Most Influential Pharmacists” by American Druggist magazine as well as 2011 Clinician of the Year by the Natural Products Association.

LaValle is also the author of more than 20 books and eBooks including, is most recently released publication, Your Blood Never Lies, as well as his best seller, Cracking the Metabolic Code.

LaValle was appointed Metabolic Medicine Institute (MMI) Committee Chairperson in 2014. He is also affiliated with George Washington University as the course director in systems biology and clinical lecturer.


Glen Ford – Why the Feds Punk Out When Confronting White Rightwing Insurgents

“How is it that the Superpower of Policing and Prosecution seems to fear a confrontation with groups with names like the Oregon Bearded Bastards?” The armed right-wing activists that seized control of a federal wildlife sanctuary compound in eastern Oregon have already committed – and conspired to commit – enough serious criminal violations of U.S. law to land each of …

Mike Lofgren – The West’s Deadly Mideast Fantasies

Around the time of the 2003 Iraq invasion and the silliness of “freedom fries” (served in the cafeterias of the House office buildings at the behest of ostensibly adult members of Congress), it was possible to believe that the nations of Europe were more sane about world events than panicked, suggestible Americans. Then as now, the American public – and particularly …

John Whitehead – Does Fear Lead to Fascism? A Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror

America is in the midst of an epidemic of historic proportions.The contagion being spread like wildfire is turning communities into battlegrounds and setting Americans one against the other. Normally mild-mannered individuals caught up in the throes of this disease have been transformed into belligerent zealots, while others inclined to pacifism have taken to stockpiling weapons and practicing defensive drills. This …

ISIS Fighters Deserting After Russia Nails Them With 60 Sorties in 72 Hours

One question that’s been asked repeatedly over the past thirteen months is why Washington has been unable to achieve the Pentagon’s stated goal of “degrading and defeating” ISIS despite the fact that the “battle” pits the most advanced air force on the planet against what amounts to a ragtag band of militants running around the desert in basketball shoes. Those of …

Love Lust And Laughter – 09.29.15

Dr. Serena McKenzie, N.D. and Dr. Diana have collaborated for almost six years, sharing hundreds of cases using a mind-body approach. We see that medical factors have strong psychosexual components. Dr. Serena is the Medical Director for the Northwest Healthy Sexuality Center in Kirkland, WA (www.nwhealthysexuality.com) where she specializes in evaluation and treatment of wide variety of sexual concerns. Addyi, the newly FDA approved “pink Viagra” was the focus of this program (www.addyi.com). Dr. Serena is an approved provider for this drug, and it will be available October 17, 2015. She sees Addyi as one tool for low female desire…women who want to want. She educates her patients; so, they are making an informed choice. It is an informed option. You have an option to listen to this show – please do!

Stanley Heller – It’s Time to Break With Saudi Arabia’s ‘Kingdom of Horrors’

Saudi King Salman decided that a 10-vehicle motorcade in Washington, D.C., was too small for his needs, so his people rented 400 black Mercedes S-class automobiles to make it bigger. There was no place to put them all, so the White House housed them at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland until they were needed. Wall Street Journal correspondent Carol Lee …