Focus On The Facts – 05.07.18

Patricia Negron and Koral Wynn joined me to discuss the all illnesses and overall harm caused to all Americans and the entire planet by the chemtrail spraying of chemicals and toxic metals by the Geoengineers. Also discussed the plan Trish came up with for us to try and stop this madness because exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity …

Prof. James F. Tracy – Chemtrails. The Realities of Geoengineering and Weather Modification the past decade evidence has increasingly emerged indicating how geoengineering and weather modification programs designed to inflict major impacts on the atmosphere and environment are fully operational. Despite such developments the CO2-specific anthropogenic theory of global warming touted by foundation-funded environmental groups and public relations dominates much of popular discourse and the prevailing worldview of intellectuals. By drawing attention …

Weather Modification: Myths and Facts

It is a safe bet to say that all progressive readers have some familiarity with conspiracy theories about weather modification. These theories, that range from “chemtrails” to the HAARP project, propose that sinister government and corporate forces are altering local weather and the whole globe´s climate with purposes that range from warfare to climate change mitigation. The most extreme version …

No longer a conspiracy: Company now offering cloud seeding services to control the weather

It’s no longer a conspiracy theory. The most wealthy and powerful can control regional weather patterns using cloud seeding technology. The sky has literally become a sandbox, a playground, and the world’s elite have access to technology allowing them to use the weather to their advantage. The controversial practice of cloud seeding to control weather is indeed moving out of …