We’re calling this show #goodsextoo. In light of the current #metoo conversations, there appear to be women who are unhappy because they had bad sex…not coercive, violent or otherwise non-consensual sex, just sex that wasn’t very good. Sheri Winston and Dr. Diana spoke about how the latter can be prevented. Sheri is a celebrated sexuality teacher, an award-winning author and a medical professional (www.IntimateArtsCenter.com). …
Scientists find: Religion and politics led to social tension and conflict, then and now
Humans haven’t learned much in more than 2,000 years when it comes to religion and politics. Religion has led to social tension and conflict, not just in today’s society, but dating back to 700 B.C. according to a new study published today in Current Anthropology . University of Colorado anthropology Professor Arthur A. Joyce and University of Central Florida Associate Professor Sarah …