Hell & High Water, with Meria and Chuck Ochelli. Todays topic is the environment. What is a patriot? Are you a patriot for humanity? Iowa Farmers & trump; laws and freedoms apply to all;trump is an open enemy of the environment;Fukushima;nuke plants;Indian Point and 9/11;endangered species act gutted;climate changes;Pompeo;Calvinism;religious distortions;Steve Wozniak & f/b;what are the two most important issues we face? destruction of …
John Kiriakou – Kathleen Kane: Another Whistleblower Goes to Prison in America
ormer Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane is likely headed to prison. She was found guilty recently of multiple counts of perjury and criminal conspiracy for leaking grand jury information to a reporter. But Kathleen Kane is also a whistleblower. And like most whistleblower cases, there is more than meets the eye in this one, more than what the press would have you …
The Gary Null Show – 09.02.16
Today on The Gary Null, Gary opens up with some deep thinking commentaries. In the second half of the program Gary talks with guest Dr. Scott Bennett. Dr. Scott Bennett is a US Army Special Operations Officer who specialized in global psychological operations and warfare, and performing analysis to track financial funding of terrorist organizations. He was also a counter-terrorism analyst for one of the nation’s largest defense contractors Booz Allen Hamilton – the same firm Edward Snowden worked at when he released the troves of documents to Glen Greenwald at the Guardian. Dr. Benett has worked at the highest levels of government – US Special Ops Command, US Central Command, the State Department coordinator for counterterrorism and other federal agencies. From 2003 to 2008 he served in the Bush administration and before that was a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation. He holds a PhD in Political Theory from Catholic University and has written an important book of his experiences and investigations – “Shell Game: A Military Whistleblowing Report About the Betrayal and Coverup by the US Government of the Union Bank of Switzerlan Terrorist Finance Connection to Edward Snowden’s Leaks about Booz Allen Hamilton and US Central Command” His website is ArmyPsyOp.wix.com/scottbennett where you can find further information, publications, and videos and presentations.
Progressive Commentary Hour – 08-30-16
A look at US Foreign Policy and American global hegemony through the eyes of the US government’s support of Salafi terrorism and its war on terror Our guest has a very unique background that is rarely ever heard on a more liberal program. Dr. Scott Bennett is a US Army Special Operations Officer who specialized in global psychological operations and …
Leid Stories – For the Clintons, Education Pays, And Pays, And Pays – 07.07.16
Within minutes of FBI Director James Comey’s announcement yesterday that the agency’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s email/private server/classified information debacle found no evidence of criminal conduct, the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee was back on campaign schedule, keynoting a National Education Association event in Washington, D.C., touting her pro-education policies and tearing into Donald Trump’s education agenda.
Trump University, the real estate mogul’s unaccredited, lawsuit-plagued for-profit education company that went belly up in 2010 after five years, came in for blistering attack by Clinton as a harbinger of what a Trump presidency would mean for education: the ultraprivatization of education, the end of “education as we know it.”
Clinton and her husband Bill have traveled this path and have made millions of dollars from it, says our guest, journalist and author Dady Chery, who has chronicled the Clintons’ sordid history of plunder in Haiti. She adds yet another chapter to the Leid Stories series on the Clinton Foundation and its interconnected global subsidiaries that Charles Ortel, the whistleblower who brought down GE in 2007-2008 over the overvaluation of its stock, maintains are engaged in “massive fraud.”
Chery explains the Clintons’ role in one of the biggest scams in higher education—a Wall Street-backed company called Laureate Education.
Progressive Commentary Hour – 05.31.16
Charles Ortel is a former Wall Street banker, having been a Managing Director at Dillon Read and Newport Value Partners, and private financial investor. In 2007 he became a whistleblower and was instrumental in bringing down General Electric after revealing GE’s fraudulently overvaluing its stock by many billions of dollars to mislead its investors. For the past fifteen months, Charles has been undertaking a thorough review of the financial records and collaborations and networks of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. His analysis investigated the Foundation’s fundraising practices, its allies and associates, its so-called charitable interests, and its political and corporate connections both in Washington and overseas. He received his BA from Yale and an MBA from Harvard Business School. His weekly blog exposing the Clinton Foundation can be found at CharlesOrtel.com
Fearless Parent Radio – HPV Vaccination Whistleblower – 01.27.16
Since the HPV vaccine was introduced to the public in 2006, it has been surrounded in controversy:
conspicuously fast tracked by the FDA;
speedily endorsed by the CDC;
rapidly introduced to be mandated by nearly every state in the US;
unusually challenged by some of the media and medical establishment, including the New England Journal of Medicine, the New York Times, and even one of its inventors;
hailed by Pharmaceutical Executive magazine as “brand of the year” for its innovative and breakthrough marketing savvy;
so aggressively promoted by Merck that Gardasil sales exploded, far eclipsing its flagship Measles, Mumps and Rubella II vaccine and bailing the company out of its staggering Vioxx litigation woes; and
so widely adopted that, today, approximately 60% of adolescent girls and 42% of adolescent boys have received the vaccine.
Time to add another bullet point to the above list…
On January 14, 2016, the activist blog SaneVax revealed the details of an open letter sent by Sin Hang Lee, MD to the World Health Organization claiming “manipulation of data and suppression of science in order to maintain the illusion of HPV vaccine safety in the face of valid contradictory evidence.”
Valerie Borek, Esq interviews SaneVax chief Norma Erickson about the stunning allegations:
Who is Dr. Lee and why/how is he in a position to make these statements?
What, exactly, did he say?
What are the policy implications of this announcement?
What has been the response of medical and government authorities?
Is the HPV vaccine safe? What should parents do?
A Just Cause – Spotlight On Capitol Hill: Congressman James Sensenbrenner – 11.15.15
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks talks Congressman James (Jim) Sensenbrener, proudly serving Wisconsin’s 5th District. Congressman Sensenbrenner’s current committee assignments include serving on the Committee on Science and Technology and the Committee on the Judiciary. Congressman Sensenbrenner is Chairman of the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Oversight Subcommittee. He is also a member of the Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and Internet, and the Subcommittees on Environment and Oversight.
Project Censored – 07.07.15
The Project Censored Show week of July11 on Pacifica Radio: Cohosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips discuss the Importance of Whistleblowing and Whistleblower Protection. They speak with attorney Jesselyn Radack, National Security & Human Rights Director at the Government Accountability Project, about her work around clients such as Edward Snowden, Thomas Andrews Drake, and John Kiriakou, among others, and the state of Whistleblower protection in the US and around the world. To wrap up the program, Peter discusses his research about the .0001% Transnational Capitalist Class and those who attend the annual gathering at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California this week.
We need to protect the whistleblowers who save our skins but pay the price – Kate Kenny
The recent Francis Report into how poor care at Mid-Staffordshire Foundation Trust was allowed to happen, was another lesson in just how valuable whistleblowers are to society. And yet as a society, we don’t seem to care that many struggle to survive. Whistleblowers perform a vital role in today’s world. They alert the public to financial fraud, abuse in institutions and potential environmental disasters. For …
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