It’s Friday. Time to defrag, and Leid Stories is here to help. Select from the zillion thoughts swimming around in your brain the one you’d most like to share. Then call in (888-874-4888) and free your mind. You just might be freeing ours, too. You’re cordially invited to join us for “Free Your Mind Friday” on Leid Stories. It’s our weekly open …
Rob Kall’s Bottom Up Live Tonight At 8: Chris Whipple discusses The 2nd Most Powerful Person in the World: White House Chief of Staff
Chris Whipple discusses The 2nd Most Powerful Person in the World: White House Chief of Staff After the president, the White House Chief of staff may be the most powerful person in the world. Success as president requires a White House chief of Staff effectively empowered to do the job right. Chris Whipple wrote the book, The GATEKEEPERS; How the …
NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.22.17
The Conspiracy Guy #17: The House Intelligence Hearings on Russian involvement in the 2016 election are a complete and total farce. When you break down the three elements of the alleged events, they are (1) claims the Russian affected the actual vote; (2) claims the Russians hacked the DNC; and (3) claims a “dossier” proves Trump was compromised and the Russians had proof. Director Comey and NSA Admiral Rogers denied (1) immediately. We know that (3) was “fan fiction” by a 4 Chan chat board member, which Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told Reince Priebus on 15 February were “bullshit”, which was confirmed by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in a call to President Trump. That leaves (2), but we know the chain of custody of the DNC’s emails went from Seth Rich, their IT guy, who was disillusioned by the sabotaging of Bernie Sanders campaign, to Craig Murray, a friend of Julian Assange. to Julian for publication. Both have affirmed the know the identity of the leader and he was not Russian. The DNC, embarrassed by the revelations, needed a cover story, which led them to make up the “Russian hacking meme”. Proof it was contrived–a work of complete fiction–follows from the DNC’s refusal to allow the FBI access to the servers the were allegedly hacked, which would have provided no evidence, because they were not hacked. More information is coming about that substantiates Trump’s claim to have been spied upon by Obama–and it is not going to make those who have been promoting the phony “Russian hacking” theory look good.
NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.01.17
he Conspiracy Guy #14: Donald Trumps first speech to Congress hit it out of the park. Even CNN had to acknowledge its tremendous positive reception by the public, with 57% reacting “very positive” and another 21% “somewhat positive”, with only 21% “negative”. His introduction of a program to assist victims of crime committed by immigrants was characterized as a recipe for “genocide”, which is simply absurd. The news stories that his Chief of Staff had asked the FBI to shoot down stories about RussiaGate ignored that the Deputy Director of the FBI told Reince Priebus that reports in The New York Times were “complete bullshit”. Attempts to portray Trump as “out of touch with reality” are refuted by case after case where he was right and the press was wrong, including terrorists mingling with refugees, the Obama “birther” issue, Rafael Cruz in Ne Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald, fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 election, that Obamacare is costing twice as much for half as much, and the dramatic increase of rapes in Sweden caused by the influx of immigrants. More recent revelations confirm that PizzaGate has been a mechanism for controlling politicians through blackmail conducted by the CIA and the Mossad, whose power over Congress will be dramatically lessened as Trump moves forward to “drain the swamp”.
Chris Hedges – Demagogue-in-Chief
For Donald Trump, the presidency will be a vast stage for accommodating his megalomania and insatiable appetite for money. Those who mock, defy or anger him will feel the wrath of the state. Those who are not obsequious will be cast aside. He will invest most of his energy in his brand. Self-promotion is the only real talent he possesses. …
Lauren McCauley – Ugly and Unprepared, ‘Knife Fight’ Breaks Out in Trump Transition
While Republicans have been outwardly celebrating their victories, President-elect Donald Trump’s transition to power is reportedly mired in chaos and infighting as competing factions duke it out to see whose version of “Make America Great Again” will dominate under the new world order. A “knife fight” is how one source described the backroom disagreements over “key cabinet appointments and direction, …
Lydia Wheeler and Tim Devaney – Obama eyes ‘audacious’ use of executive power in final year
President Obama’s pledge to pursue “audacious” executive action during his final year in office is stirring a frenzy of speculation about what he might have up his sleeve. White House chief of staff Denis McDonough this week said “audacious” executive actions on tap for 2016 are being carefully crafted to “make sure the steps we have taken are ones we can …
Leid Stories – 03.02.15
Nukes & Reactionaries: Boehner, Netanhayu and the Real Nuclear Threat Chicago Hope: “Chuy” García’s Historic Challenge to Big-Money Politics Download this episode (right click and save) Attempting to lessen the presumed impact of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu’s barnstorming speech before Congress tomorrow, the White House has published a brief touting “5 Things You Need to Know About the U.S.-Israel Relationship Under …