Leid Stories—The Game Plan: Destroy Trump, Claim Moral Victory, Divvy Up the Spoils, and Return to Regular Gangster Politics—05.18.17

The fever-pitch push for impeachment of President Trump is a dead giveaway that the game plan is in motion. The irony is, Chaos Man himself pulled the trigger. A series of actions simultaneously are being launched against him, essentially to shorten his stay in the White House, now at a mere 117 days. What’s the plan? Destroy Trump, Claim Moral …

Chris Hedges – American Psychosis

Reality is under assault. Verbal confusion reigns. Truth and illusion have merged. Mental chaos makes it hard to fathom what is happening. We feel trapped in a hall of mirrors. Exposed lies are answered with other lies. The rational is countered with the irrational. Cognitive dissonance prevails. We endure a disquieting shame and even guilt. Tens of millions of Americans, …

Trump’s Plan to Neuter the White House Press Corps, and Neuter Our Democracy

Tyrants don’t allow open questioning, and they hate the free press. They want total control. That’s why, according to three senior officials on the transition team, the incoming Trump administration is considering evicting the White House press corps from the press room inside the White House and moving them – and news conferences – to a conference center or to …

Robin Scher – GOP Operatives Are Starting to Freak Out as Much as the Rest of Us About the Idea of President Donald Trump

In the past 24 hours, Donald Trump has left many wondering whether he even still wants to be president. Judging by what has come out of his mouth in just one day, it’s becoming harder to tell. Of course, you could argue this has been Trump’s strategy from the start. His stream-of-garbage/consciousness style has gotten him this far, so why …