Leid Stories looks at the way the media define our reality by boldly reinforcing white-supremacist values in their editorial content—signifying a return to the “old days” when whiteness was the standard by which all things, and people, were measured. No, it’s not the ascendancy of Donald Trump or right-wing ideology in America, says Leid Stories, it might just be that …
Black Agenda Radio – 09.25.17
Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Is Donald Trump a White Supremacist? Margaret Kimberley says, Yes, AND he’s head of a white supremacist country; Ajamu Baraka calls out the Congressional Black Caucus for supporting Donald Trump’s gargantuan War …
The Conspiracy Guy – 09.20.17
Conspiracy Guy Show #43: Donald Trump destroyed any lingering illusions that he is not under Zionist control with his troubling speech to the UN, in which he denounced North Korea, Syria and Iran, while a beaming Bibi looked on. These are the three foremost targets of Israel’s wrath, where it turns out that North Korea supplied technical assistance to Syria, …
The Conspiracy Guy – 08.23.17
Conspiracy Guy Show #39: In Phoenix last night, Donald Trump lashed out at the media for publishing “fake news” and failing to provide the public with accurate and timely information about even the most serious events. Coverage of Charlottesville affords a perfect illustration, where video studies have established that there were two cars, two drives and two takes–one involving one …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 08.17.17
Charlottesville!!!! We spend our hour in solartopia with the great Peace activist David Swanson talking to us from the belly of the beast. David has observed the chaos and bloodshed in charlottesville firsthand. His insights and opinions on Trump, racism, activism and violence are not to be missed. This is a priceless hour with a uniquely important American commentator right …
Leid Stories—After Charlottesville, A Slow Burn or Slow Burnout for Trump?—08.15.17
America has noted President Donald Trump’s slow-to-show, half-hearted reaction to the deadly, white-racist protest in Charlottesville, Va., last Saturday. And they’re seeing that swift reaction and opposition by the people to other Charlottesville-style protests planned across the country are being cancelled. Trump, bewilderingly, sees a political opportunity here to [re-] build his base for re-election. Does this not suggest that …
Expanding Mind – Alt-Right Meme Magick – 02.16.17
Media researcher and filmmaker Florian Cramer talks about 4chan, Pepe the Frog, memes, and the nihilism of the digital alt-right. For Florian’s dense mapping of the alt-right, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w94mQjxHkRs.
Leid Stories–The Hidden Costs of White Supremacy (Part 2)—02.14.17
We conclude yesterday’s discussion about the social, political, economic and psychological toll of white supremacy as experienced by the program’s host in her native Trinidad and then as an immigrant in the United States.
Leid Stories—The Hidden Costs of White Supremacy!’- 02.13.17
The flawed thread permanently woven into the fabric of American life—white supremacy—is examined from the point of view of its hidden social, political, economic and even psychological costs via our guest, self-described “antiracist” essayist and activist, Tim
Will Worley – Donald Trump faces impeachment if new conflicts of interest bill passed
Donald Trump could face impeachment if he fails to declare conflicts of interest between his new presidential role and his business empire under a new bill introduced by Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren. Questions have arisen around how the President-elect intends to handle his interests once he takes office, and Mr Trump has said his companies will be controlled by his …