The Intelligence Hour with Kevin Shipp – 04.17.17

The Intelligence Hour is a fifty-eight- minute program designed to provide a professional, credible and entertaining show on intelligence issues from a Constitutional perspective. Some of the issues the program will cover: ï‚· The Shadow Government/Deep State ï‚· Patriot Act ï‚· CIA Torture and Rendition ï‚· NSA Domestic Surveillance ï‚· CIA Surveillance/WikiLeaks Vault 7 ï‚· FBI Warrantless Searches/National Security Letters …

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.15.17

The Conspiracy Guy #16: A series of developments in relation to the Middle East raise concerns that the neocons are firmly in control of the Trump foreign policy agenda, including saving two ISIS leaders traded in Mosul, a 432% increase in drone strikes, and the Pentagon’s absurd declaration that Iran is “the greatest security threat in the Middle East” and warning signs that Donald’s promise to end these foreign entanglements may not be the case. The ongoing Wikileaks revelations make the case for CIA surveillance of Trump and faking “Russian hacking” overwhelming, where even leading Democrats connected to the Senate Intelligence Committee admit they have no expectation of evidence that ties the Trump campaign to Russian interference. Even Noam Chomsky tweets, “World is Laughing at claims Russia Hacked Election”. IWB (Investors Watch Blog) has published some 50 “fake news” stories on CNN alone, which confirms Wikileaks information about the mainstream media under the control of the CIA. The knowledge that the CIA can seize control of your vehicle and thereby commit a vehicular assassination sheds light on the death of Michael Hastings, who appears to have been among the first of its targets. Trump continues to shake up Washington, as a recent TIME magazine cover reflects.

Trends This Week – More important issues – 03.08.17

While the prestitutes and cry-baby liberals focus on transgender bathrooms, Wikileaks reveals the CIA might be hacking into your latest and greatest “smart” devices. Meanwhile, the massive economic growth under President Trump brings into question whether or not a crash is coming. Listen in and subscribe to the Trends Journal at to get Gerald Celente’s latest forecast.