Meria Heller Show – Blood & Guts – 06.26.16

Blood & Guts with Meria Heller and Jack Blood.

On today’s show they discuss:

The Supreme Court’s latest attack on our 4th Amendment rights

Two sets of laws in this country

Payoffs-extortions by “law”

Decentralize and repeal

The “election” game changer worldwide

Hillary chosen years ago, stolen elections

Global Corp and their end game

The Orlando shooting and foreknowledge

The Paris shooting

Why clubs for the young?

Omar Mateen’s connections to the FBI and mercenary group

FBI stings – World Trade Center 1993

False flag/staged event

Prior knowledge, stand down, cover up, who benefits?

The other attacker from Virginia and the CI

Weather warfare? “Owning the Weather”

Venezuela and South America

GARY LEUPP – On “Islamic” and “Islamist Terrorism”

Donald Trump declares that the Orlando nightclub massacre shows that he “was right on Islamic terrorism” all along, once again chiding Obama for avoiding that label. Hillary Clinton for the first time uses a similar term in an interview with Savannah Guthrie on NBC New’s Today Show. She says, “To me, radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the …

Kevin Ryan – An Insider’s Look at the Dulles 9/11 Video

The strongest evidence linking the alleged hijackers to 9/11 was a video said to be from the closed circuit TV (CCTV) system at Dulles International Airport in Washington DC. The video was not made available until the day before the 9/11 Commission Report was released, in 2004, and it helped to pave the way for widespread acceptance of the official account. Since …

Eight Reasons 9/11 Could Not Have Been “An Inside Job”

Below, we’ll show that 9/11 could NOT have been an inside job … I. The 9/11 Commission and Congressional Investigation Into 9/11 All Disproved Any Conspiracy 9/11 was thoroughly and exhaustively investigated by the 9/11 Commission, Congress and U.S. scientific agencies. This horse has already been beat to death, and anyone who raises questions is a nutjob. True, the 9/11 …

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Rich Habits, Rich Life: The Four Cornerstones of all Great Pursuits – 03.15.16

Host Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN,, interviews Dr. Randall Bell. Randall Bell, PhD, is a socio-economist and the CEO of Landmark Research Group, LLC. The strategic and problem-solving skills of Dr. Bell are well established. He consulted on the World Trade Center, the Flight 93 Crash Sites, the BP Oil Spill, Hurricane Katrina, the Nuclear Testing on the Bikini Atoll. His research has taken him to all fifty states and the seven continents. He is known for his ability to analyze complex situations and present his findings in an interesting, organized, and intelligent way. Dr. Bell’s career has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, People magazine, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, and every U.S. television network. He is a popular speaker at events around the globe. Dr. Bell earned his PhD in Human and Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate University and his MBA from UCLA. On today’s show we will discuss his new book, Rich Habits, Rich Life: The Four Cornerstones of all Great Pursuits

MICHAEL DALY – Trump Won’t Name Any of the ‘Hundreds of Friends’ He Says Died on 9/11

If the GOP front runner lost hundreds of friends on 9/11, and donated hundreds of millions of dollars to 9/11 victims, there’s no public record of it. Two days after Donald Trump claimed that he “lost hundreds of friends” at the World Trade Center as a result of the 9/11 attack, his campaign continued to ignore a Daily Beast request that he …

Interview with Eric Weltman from Food and Water Watch – 12.24.15

Eric Weltman is Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch in New York. He has over 20 years of experience leading social justice campaigns and building progressive power. Eric has helped direct ground-breaking coalitions, organize high-visibility media events, write influential publications, and manage successful initiatives to pass legislation, fund programs, and elect candidates. Eric also has extensive experience conducting trainings on media outreach, advocacy, organizing, and public speaking. He has taught urban politics at Suffolk University, and written for such publications as The American Prospect, In These Times, and Dollars & Sense. A native of New Jersey, Eric graduated from the University of Michigan and earned an M.A. in Urban & Environmental Policy from Tufts University. When he’s not changing the world, Eric enjoys being with his wife, Sarah, and son, Zach, reading history books, taking walks around New York City, watching “Burn Notice” and “House,” juggling, and eating Thai food.

Kevin Ryan – 911: Propaganda Can’t Melt Steel Beams

Eleven years ago, I initiated a discussion about the fact that jet fuel fires could not have melted steel at the World Trade Center. The government agency investigating the WTC destruction responded by holding “some of its deliberations in secret.” Although it’s not a secret that jet fuel can’t melt steel, due to propaganda from sources like The Washington Post and The Huffington Post, Americans …

Zaid Jilani – It Will Be Extremely Difficult For Hillary to Say No To Wall Street

The highlight of Saturday night’s Democratic debate was when former Secretary Clinton invoked the September 11 attacks to try to defend her courting of Wall Street donors. The awkward defense of her political ties even spawned [3] a rare New York Times editorial criticizing Clinton. The fact is, there is no way that Hillary Clinton can pretend she doesn’t have a cozy relationship …

Pam Martens – Exclusive Federal Reserve Videos and the Glass-Steagall Media Conspiracy

A funny thing happened in 2012 after Andrew Ross Sorkin, a financial writer at the New York Times, wrote his spectacularly false narrative telling readers that the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act had nothing to do with the crash because problem firms like Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and AIG didn’t own insured commercial banks — which would have been prohibited under …