Leid Stories—Election 2016: 16 Days to … What?—10.26.16

With D-Day just 16 days away, Leid Stories “polls” listeners’ state of mind about the election; if/how they are likely to vote; how media coverage might have shaped their views and decisions; and how “third” parties and independent movements will fare at the polls.

Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers – Newsletter: Time To Stop The Next War Now

There is another drumbeat growing for the United States to go to war. The media is walking in lockstep with bi-partisans in Washington, DC and with the war profiteers to this end. The likely next president, Hillary Clinton, is calling for escalation in Syria with a no fly zone that risks conflict with Russia, a nation she has been demonizing. …

Stephen Moss – Mayer Hersh obituary

Mayer Hersh, who has died aged 90, became in the last 30 years of his life one of the foremost UK-based witnesses to the Holocaust. That he had lived to tell his story at all was little short of miraculous. Hersh, whose family name was originally Herszkowicz, was a Polish Jew, born in the town of Sieradz, near Łódź, in …

Visionaries – 10.10.16

“Technological Optimism.” Technological pessimism holds that our technology is brining us a bleak future. Books like “The Population Bomb” predicted collapse, and such books are still being written. But technology has also brought us unprecedented affluence and information abundance for all. So how should we think about technology? Find more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VfMt_BSfic

Could caffeine help prevent dementia?

MILWAUKEE – A new study suggests a significant relationship between caffeine and dementia prevention, though it stops short of establishing cause and effect. The study, published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, found higher caffeine intake in women age 65 and older was associated with reduced odds of developing dementia or cognitive impairment. Among …


INTERNAL UNITED NATIONS assessments obtained by The Intercept reveal that U.S. and European sanctions are punishing ordinary Syrians and crippling aid work during the largest humanitarian emergency since World War II. The sanctions and war have destabilized every sector of Syria’s economy, transforming a once self-sufficient country into an aid-dependent nation. But aid is hard to come by, with sanctions blocking …

Richard Heinberg – Exploring the Gap Between Business-as-Usual and Utter Doom

Predicting the future is a fool’s errand, but everybody does it. As long as we’ve had language—for tens of thousands of years, at last estimate—we’ve been able to formulate the question, “What will tomorrowbring?” The answers have ranged from idyllic to hellish, though the reality has been, more often than not, “a lot like today.” Since the Industrial Revolution, the …

Meditations and Molotovs – 09.12.16

Fifteen years after 9/11 and Americans have learned very little about war, violence, revenge, history, terrorism and empire. So, for today’s program, Vince plays Howard Zinn’s famous speech,”Three Holy Wars” (The Revolutionary War, The Civil War and World War II) because these idealized wars must be questioned if we ever hope to stop the madness of U.S. Empire. http://meditationsandmolotovs.podbean.com

Gar Alperovitz – 6 Ways We’re Already Leading an Economic Revolution

Many years ago, while researching the history of the U.S. decision to use atomic weapons on the people of Japan, I came to understand something: There was something deep at work in the American political and economic system driving it toward relentless expansion and a dangerous, informal imperialism. I began thinking about how to fundamentally change America out of concern …