Class is integral to capitalism, the former its defining structure, the latter the directed purpose of a societal-historical process of wealth concentration whose intended purpose…
Daffy Donald proposes to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., while journalist Glenn Greenwald recently reported on the frightening upsurge in attacks on Muslims. As…
Donald Trump is an apparent fan of Adolf Hitler’s speeches. That stunning but not entirely surprising revelation comes from his ex-wife Ivana, who told [3] Vanity…
No, neither the Hebrew prophet Amos nor Priam’s daughter Cassandra inspires these thoughts, but the actual condition, ideological/psychological, of the contemporary American mindset, and its…
Climate News Network, 2 December, 2015 – Two American security experts say the Asia-Pacific region needs massive international aid to tackle its greatest problem −…
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has arguably been the most utilized tool of imperial war since the Soviet Union fell in 1991. Ironically, the sole purpose of…