Progressive Radio Network


The Anti-Science Climate Denier Caucus

63 Percent of Americans Are Represented By A Congressional Climate Denier

Turns out most Americans disagree with their congressional representative on climate change. Sixty-seven percent of Americans support action to combat global climate change, yet 63 percent of Americans—more than 202 million people—are represented by a member of Congress who questions or denies the science behind human-caused climate change, according to new research from the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

Despite the fact that 2015 was the hottest year on record with 10 out of its 12 monthsbreaking temperature records, Congress hasn’t warmed to the science behind climate change. 59 percent of House Republicans and 70 percent of Senate Republicans are climate deniers. In total, there are currently 182 climate deniers in Congress,—144 Representatives and 38 Senators. Since similar research was conducted last year, fourteen House members are new to the list. The number of Senate deniers stayed the same, but Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) took herself off the list and was replaced with Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV). Check out the interactive map to see the deniers from your state.

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