Progressive Radio Network


The Cashless Society -- Contemplating The Ultimate Surrender To Government Control - Chris Ungar

Denmark, known to be the “happiest” nation on the planet, has a long and storied history of providing its citizens with a strong social safety net—a system designed, in the words of the nation’s official website, to provide its people with “the necessary material framework for living a reasonable life.”

Yet, a proposed new law in Denmark that many are describing as nothing less than the dawn of an economic and monetary revolution—a law that is viewed as the first step in removing cash from the economic systems of the world and ending traditional bank accounts as we know them—might very well transform the supposed Disneyland of nations into the land that launched our planet onto the path of ultimate and complete government control of humanity.

The proposed law would allow Danish business operators to refuse cash as payment for goods and services, and, in its place, demand only electronic payment as the means for bartering goods and services.

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