Progressive Radio Network

The Dark Side of the Rainbow

The Dark Side of the Rainbow Episode 1: The Grooming Agenda and the War on Children

In Gays Against Groomers’ inaugural podcast, host Robert Wallace discusses the founding, mission and growth of GAG. We delineate the meaning of the word Groomer and discuss the umbrella of supporters our organization consists of. How GAG has activated in the world, from social media, news, rallies, to protests and legislation. We discuss the perverted books slipped into school classrooms and libraries, and “Gender Affirming Care,” including the dangers of puberty blockers, HRT and gender reassignment surgery.

Discussed are matters around gay pride and how social media is corrupting the minds of impressionable kids every minute of every day. We talk about the role that LGBTQIA+ activist teachers are playing to indoctrinate, sexualize and steer your kids toward the medicalization of their bodies, all while keeping it secret from the parents.

We talk about the homework going home with kids, the sexual questions being asked of them in school and progressively increasing stories of sex toys being shown, explained and even given to the kids. Why aren’t schools safe for kids anymore? We break that down and so much more on episode 1 of Gays Against Groomers’ new show The Dark Side of the Rainbow.