Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show – 01.12.16

Dr. Jack Rasmus is a professor of political economics at St. Mary’s College and Santa Clara University in California.  Prior to teaching, he was an economic analyst for several global corporations and an organizer, negotiator and business representative for several labor unions. At one time he was elected at the National First Vice President of the National Writers Union.  In addition to his economic profession, Dr. Rasmus is a playwright and author of fictional works dealing with social struggles, and the owner of Kyklos Productions. He is the author of several books, most recent being “Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy” which explores why mainstream economic analysis repeatedly fails and why we have been incapable of producing a sustainable recovery and economy.  Jack also hosts a radio program “Alternative Visions” on the Progressive Radio Network every Friday at 3 pm Eastern time.  His website is

Here were some of the topics Gary and Jack spoke about:

  • Bank holdings of derivatives – 247 Trillion total – vs. actual assets
  • Law approving bail-ins – this was warmed about back in 2013 thanks banks could grab deposits without warning in order to blunt future failures
  • There have been reports that governments and central banks want to move towards a cashless society.  Why is this being pushed by central banks and is it even possible (an article in May’s issue of MIT’s Technology Review claims it would not be possible)
  • What is government NOT doing to spur economic recovery and establish a new course towards growth?

BOOK:  “Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy

RADIO PROGRAM:  “Alternative Visions” on the Progressive Radio Network every Friday at 3 pm Eastern time.



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