Professor James Galbraith is a distinguished professor and Chair of Government and Business Relations at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas in Austin and the son of renowned economist John Kenneth Galbraith. James is the Chair of the international organization Economists for Peace and Security and a Senior Scholar of the Levy Economics Institute. In the early 80s, he served on the Congressional staff as the Executive Director of the Joint Economic Committee. Prof. Galbraith holds degrees from Harvard and Yale universities and has written many critical books challenging the nation’s predominant economic policy legislation and the paradigm from which it is based. His latest book is, “The End of Normal: The Great Crisis and the Future of Growth” and a new book “Inequality: What Everyone Needs to Know” will be released in March from Oxford University Press.
Gary played this You Tube clip as well:
TITLE – Politically-Challenged: Texas Tech Edition
DESCRIPTION – Texas Tech’s new student political organization PoliTech goes to campus to see how much our students know about their nation’s politics! You might be surprised.