Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show – 03.04.16

Dr. Jim Garrison is the founding President of Ubiquity University and the Wisdom School of Graduate Studies, an international school of higher education built upon innovative principles of whole brain and whole system learning. The university operates on four continents with partners in the EU, India, Mexico, South Africa, Russia, Vietnam and others. As the co-founder and President of the Gorbachev Foundation, Jim was instrumental in the founding of the State of the World Forum  to lay a template for a  more sustainable global civilization.  In the late 80s he served as the executive director of the Esalen Institute Soviet-American Exchange, and founded the International Foreign Policy Association in collaboration with Secretary of State George Schultz and Georgian President Edward Shevardnadze to provide humanitarian relief to children in former Soviet republics.  Jim has graduate degrees in religion and theology from Harvard and Cambridge universities. His websites are and

John Perkins, primarily through the 1970s and 1980s, was an economic hit man (EHM), a job to convince leaders of developing nations to accept economic conditions that benefit US private and government interests. He was a direct participant or witness to such dramatic modern events as the Saudi Arabian Money Laundering scandal, the fall of the Shah of Iran, the assassinations of Eucador’s and Panama’s  democratically elected presidents, and other government and corporate intrigues. John was a chief economist for a large international consulting firm advising the World Bank and IMF, the UN, Fortune 500 companies and many national governments. Since leaving his covert activities, John been a champion of indigenous spiritual cultures and environmental movements through his non profit projects Dream Change and the Pachamama Alliance. After 911, John broke his silence with the publication of his international best seller that has just been fully revised and published as “The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, to explain that rather than a corrupt specialized activity among select consulting and international construction firms in the past, the system of economic hit men has rather become more sophisticated, more devious, and more widespread, even through the halls of government, and is now intentionally bankrupting the US as it has done in the past with developing nations. His website is where people can receive his newsletter.


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