A reappraisal of Andrew Wakefield’s research and his exoneration in light of the legal and scientific evidence – with Andrew Wakefield, Jim Moody, David Lewis.
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Dr. Andrew Wakefield is a gastroenterologist and academician specializing in inflammatory bowel disease and the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine or MMR. He is a former Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and has published over 130 original scientific papers and book chapters. His recent has been at the center of the controversy over the safety of the MMR vaccine that continues wage today. In 2001 he was awarded the fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists and he has been a board member of the American charity Medical Interventions for Autism.
Dr. Wakefield is the co-founder and director of the Autism Media Channel which airs on various TV stations –www.AutismMediaChannel.com. His recent documentary “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis” is a powerful account the US healthcare systems negligence that led to the death of a severely autistic teenager. He is also the author of “Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines, The Truth Behind the Tragedy”
Dr. David Lewis is a former senior research microbiologist with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Research and Development department and the only EPA scientist to be a lead author on research published in Nature, the Lancet and Nature Medicine. He was responsible for discovering that HIV could be transmitted through certain dental equipment, which led to the standardization of heat-sterilization in dentistry. His research also forced the EPA to abandon the policy of promoting sewage sludge on farms, which subsequently forced him to lose his job when he turned his attention to studying illnesses and deaths associated with this practice – including biosolids link to autism. Dr. Lewis has received many awards and is currently the Senior Science Advisor to the national Whistleblowers Center. He has also reviewed the research of Dr. Wakefield and has his own case going with Brian Deer.
He is the author of a recently published book: “Science for Sale” which details how the US government uses powerful corporations and leading universities to support policies, silence top scientists, jeopardize public health and protect corporate profits. His current research is focusing on the MMR vaccine.
Jim Moody is Dr. Wakefield’s US attorney and the a director of the family advocacy organization The National Autism Association, which provide excellent resources on autism and vaccine related issues, and a director of the research think tank, Strategic Autism Alliance. He also is a member of the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association and practices public interest law in Washington.
Jim has degrees in artificial intelligence and management from MIT, and completed his law degree at Georgetown University.