Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 04.19.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed these topics below and had Mr. Alan Phillips on as well. Please click on the titles to learn more about the topics Gary spoke on:

The more you run, the denser your bones will be
Watercress extract detoxifies carcinogens in smokers, clinical trial demonstrates
Eating dark chocolate as a daily snack could help boost athletic performance
Eating chocolate improves cognitive function, study finds
Regular exercise may boost prostate cancer survival
Gary takes a quick music break. Listen here to the track: Slave – Watching You

Most U.S. adults say today’s children have worse health than in past generations

Great willow herb as an antidote  in therapies against multi-drug resistant bacteria

UK study supports cardiovascular safety of calcium and vitamin D supplementation
Lack of vitamin D ‘significantly speeds up the growth of breast cancer tumors and causes the disease to spread
Neurosurgeon issues public challenge to vaccine zealots: Inject yourselves with all shots you say children should get!
Trade officials promised Exxon that TTIP will erase environmental ‘obstacles’ worldwide
Common pesticides ‘can kill frogs within an hour’
Most Americans Pray for Healing; More than One Fourth Have Practiced ‘Laying on of Hands,’ Baylor University Study Finds
– Gary discusses a study he did and how the energy that was given to plants and food make each different and how respecting the power of prey is a good thing.
Quick break with music by Slave – Watching You again. Gary then returns with some commentary on why are we not challenging the people who are controlling the Unites States
Henry A. Giroux – Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Civic Illiteracy
Gary goes to break with the song of the day: Slave – Watching You. Gary returns with his guest, Alan Phillips. Here is his bio: 
Alan Phillips is one of the few lawyers in America and nationally recognized expert practicing vaccine exemption and waiver law and individual and legal rights on vaccination policies. He advises families, individuals, attorneys and legislators across the US on vaccine policies, health rights and exemptions. He is an Advisory Board member of the World Association for Vaccine Education and is a co-founder of the North Carolina Citizens for Healthcare Freedom. Alan’s writings have appeared  internationally in publications from India to Europe and the US. He is the author of the e-book – “The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions”, perhaps the most concise, in depth information on state and federal laws for those who wish to refuse vaccines. He also hosts the weekly radio show “The Vaccine Agenda”.  For more information and to access a free copy of the vaccine guide, his website is Vaccine
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