Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 05.05.15

As always Gary gives us good news on the latest in health and healing, plus environmental content and an incisive commentary about Imperialism and accountability through history. Then,

A look at population migration trends in North America and the future due to climate change and declines in essential resources, with Dr. Giles Slade.

Dr. Giles Slade is a Canadian journalist, environmental activist, social critic and a self-described recovering academic. He holds a doctorate in cultural history from the University of Southern California and has taught in colleges and universities internationally, including Asia and the Persian Gulf.   His early book “Made to Break: Technology and Obsolesence in America,” which described the corporate incentive to manufacture technology designed to break quickly in order to increase consumerism, received the International Publisher’s Gold Medial for best Environment Book in 2007 and was the basis for the documentary film “The Light Bulb Conspiracy” His most recent publication is “American Exodus: Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival” which presents a history of past population migrations due to climate change and looks at how migration patterns are now underway in North America and will increase in the future. His website is

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