Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 05.16.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave us great news on health, the environment and public schools. Listen below or click on a link to learn more:

Omega-3 levels linked to better cognitive performance

Regular physical activity is ‘magic bullet’ for pandemics of obesity, cardiovascular disease

What foods can help fight the risk of chronic inflammation?

Another reason for wine lovers to toast resveratrol

Omega-3 lowers childhood aggression in short term

Will new chemical law hide the fracking industry’s toxic secrets?

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this classic jam: The Spinners – Could It Be I’m Falling In Love. Gary returns to discuss “The March against Monsato.” He will be in Fort Myers, 13499 South Cleveland Avenue, Here are all the locations having “A March Against Monsato.” Then on Sunday morning at 9am, at 5th ave and 90th Street for the 1st meeting of this year’s “Natural Living Running and Walking Club.” It is free and helps you get in shape. Lastly Luanne comes on and talks about Gary’s only support group this year. It starts Saturday June 11, 2016 at 3PM on the Upper West Side and will be helping people with Anti-Aging, Hair Loss, Muscles, Skin and the Brain. Email Luanne at or call her at 631-504-6198.Gary returns to the show with this great video:

VIDEO: Stupid in America: How we cheat our kidsJohn Stossel looks at the ways the U.S. public education system cheats students out of a quality education.

Why teachers matter in dark times – Henry A. Giroux

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