Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 06.21.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, we present new evidence that demands a revision of the history behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. An exclusive live press conference happened today over the radio, June 21 at Noon EST, at the studios of the Progressive Radio Network. This is the first presentation to the public with first hand evidence that will revise the official history behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The broadcast is simultaneous with the release of a new authoritative publication, The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The books author, human rights attorney William Pepper Esq, has compiled 39 years of private and legal investigation into the murder of one of the world’s greatest civil rights and non-violent anti-war heroes.

Pepper was Dr. King’s personal friend during the latter year of his life. Later he legally represented James Earl Ray and the King family to exonerate Ray and indict the US government as a conspirator in the assassination. Pepper’s evidence is based upon tens of thousands of hours of research, key sworn depositions, legal testimonies and private interviews with hundreds of persons both guilty and innocent.

  • Evidence of the role of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and his lover and second in command at the FBI Clyde Anderson Tolson in financing the actual murder
  • The orchestration of James Earl Ray’s escape from prison and his subsequent grooming as a patsy and conviction as the lone gunman

For all who are interested in the life and times of Dr. Martin Luther King and who question our government’s official word on Dr. King’s assassination, this will be an important presentation.

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