Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 09.14.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up with the latest in health in healing and offers up a special on one of his amazing products. Gary sets a lot of time aside to speak with guests Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz. Today we have two guests Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz – the directors of a new documentary released this month – SEED: The Untold Story – that will premier in Manhattan this weekend, September 17 and 18, at the Cinema Village Theater.  Taggart is the founder of the nonprofit media organization Collective Eye, which produces important, socially and spiritually relevant documentaries and films that confront the urgent stories and challenges of our times.  Jon Betz is the film’s producer. In 2010, the two directed and produced the award winning documentary Queen of the Sun: What are the Bees Telling Us.” – which is a very beautiful and inspiring film to watch yet with its own pathos given the serious plight of honeybees.  Similarly their new film SEED is about the plight of the future of seeds to feed a growing global population and beautifully portrays the pathos of preserving biodiversity in the face huge forces of power and wealth from the industrial chemical and food industry intent on homogenizing and dominated the world’s food supply.   The film’s website with show information around the country is  and their organization promoting important socio-political and spiritual films is

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