Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show Notes - 01.23.23

Videos :

  1. UK Doctors Call For Government To Urgently Pause and Investigate the Use of Novel mRNA Covid Vaccines (18:00)
  2. Fauci previously said an AIDS vaccine wasn’t happening because they didn’t know if “all hell would break loose” 12 years later with side effects. (0:28)
  3. Hospitals are paid to KlLL patients during the C0VID-19 pLandemic (1:57)
  4. SHOCKING FOIA DOCUMENTS: COVID Pandemic Was a Secret DoD Operation dating back to Obama Administration (Start @ 43:58 – End )
  5. Supercut: Please Meet President George Santos (4:04)

Research Confirms Ayurvedic Spice Good For Prostate

Chieti-Pescara University (Italy), January 13, 2023

Biomedical researchers from Italy’s Chieti-Pescara University have confirmed what recent laboratory research has found: That the Ayurvedic herb turmeric (Curcuma longa) increases quality of life and reduces symptoms of non-cancerous enlarged prostate also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The ancient Ayurvedic herbal remedy joins the list of several other nutraceuticals that have now been scientifically confirmed to reduce enlarged prostate

For six months the researchers gave 33 patients diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia with a turmeric extract of curcumin  in addition to standard conventional BPH treatment (no drugs). A control group of 28 BPH patients matched for age and severity received only the conventional BPH treatment (again, without drugs).

While both groups experienced improvement in most symptoms, the curcumin-treated group experienced greater improvement. The curcumin-treated group also experienced higher quality-of-life scores than did the conventional treatment group.

The researchers concluded: “In patients with BPH, the addition of curcumin to the standard treatment contributed to the reduction of signs and symptoms of the disease without causing any significant additional side effect. This pilot experience suggests a potential novel clinical application of curcumin…”

This isn’t the first study that has indicated curcumin’s ability to treat enlarge prostate. A study from the Seoul National University College of Medicine found that curcumin inhibited hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1alpha) in both animal and human prostrate cell tests. This inhibition resulted in a reduction of inflammation – hyperplasia – among the prostate cells. This in turn mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers, directly related to inflammation.

Gut Bacteria Could Be the Key to Preventing Alzheimer’s
Washington University School of Medicine, January 20, 2023

The key to preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease may lie in our gut bacteria as well as our brains. A new study suggests that the bacteria inhabiting the gut affect immune responses in the brains of mice, leading to changes in the rate of neurodegeneration. As evidence mounts that a healthy microbiome benefits many aspects of our health, this discovery may open new avenues for treating Alzheimer’s in humans. 

Where you live, what you eat, and your lifestyle all have an effect on the gut microbiome, and populations of microbes in it change throughout a person’s lifetime. People with Alzheimer’s disease have much lower microbial diversity in their gut than those who are healthy, and several studies point to the microbiome driving the development of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 

In this new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, mice genetically modified to develop Alzheimer’s were divided into two groups. One was raised in sterile conditions from birth and did not develop any gut microbiome, the other received antibiotics to permanently change their gut flora. 

After 40 weeks, the brains of mice kept in sterile conditions showed much less neurodegeneration than those with typical mice microbiomes. The outcome in mice in the antibiotic group was less clear cut: male mice showed less brain damage than female mice. 

The researchers also found that three short-chain fatty acids produced by certain types of gut bacteria were associated with neurodegeneration. This suggests that modifying the gut microbiome with antibiotics, probiotics, specialized diets, or other means may offer a new approach to preventing and treating neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, in people. 

‘Unprecedented in its potential impact’: Could new anti-cancer study re-ignite the kava market?University of Minnesota, January 10, 2023A patent-pending blend of compounds from kava with none of the potentially adverse liver effects may see the much-maligned herb re-emerge in the dietary supplement space, say researchers from the University of Minnesota.Kava, aqueous extracts from the roots of Piper methysticum, is traditionally served as a beverage for South Pacific islanders. Epidemiologic evidence has also linked kava to a very low incidence of certain cancers in several South Pacific countries, proposed to be related to the presence of compounds called kavalactones. Organic extracts also have a long history of traditional use for anxiety.However, kava has often made headlines for the wrong reasons, with reports of potential liver toxicity associated with various commercially available kava-containing dietary supplements being reported for over 10 years. As a result of this, many regulatory bodies around the world have restricted the product, or issued official recommendations to avoid use. Researchers from the University of Minnesota have now identified the naturally occurring components of kava that appear responsible for all the cancer-preventative benefits. The team also found that daily consumption of the kava-derived product prevented the formation of 99% of tumors in a mouse model that is routinely used in predicting lung cancer behavior in humans.Some mice developed no tumors at all, according to findings published in Cancer Prevention Research . DNA damage resulting from tobacco carcinogens was also significantly reduced by way of prevention.In addition, by carefully selecting only the cancer-preventative compounds, the research team was also able to avoid liver damage.“This research is truly unprecedented in its potential impact,” said Dr Kingston. “A 99% cancer prevention efficacy is unheard of with this very sensitive research model and paves the way for future clinical trials to assess human applications.“Kava could be a good or bad product depending on how you prepare it,” said Chengguo (Chris) Xing, PhD, an associate professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, and co-author on the new paper.“Recently supplements have suffered quite a bit of negative publicity — some of it deserved, some not — but the kava study from the University of Minnesota emphasizes what good science coupled with quality botanicals can produce.”

The Case for Eating PulsesUniversity of Copenhagen, January 20, 2023

Pulses, which have two- to three-times the protein as cereals, could replace meat protein while being sustainable and climate friendly.

Pulses have a unique ability to capture nitrogen from the air and fix it to soil to create fertilizer, which benefits other plants as well. This makes the need for additional fertilizer negligible, as well as the crop’s greenhouse gas emissions.

In her studies, Katharina Henn aimed to get an overview of pulse consumption across Europe, and in doing so, identify the obstacles that challenge consumers.

People in Denmark have roughly average knowledge of pulses, they come in last place for quantity and variety of pulses eaten.  Spain is at the top of the class when it comes to awareness, the variation of pulses used and total consumption. The country’s historic interaction with Middle Eastern culinary traditions could be the reason. Regardless, pulses are a natural part of Spain’s Mediterranean diet, notes Henn. In Germany, her own country, the traditions have been forgotten.

“There is a lot of interest in meat substitutes because the industry thinks that consumers need products which resemble familiar foods, like burger patties. But from a nutritional perspective, we don’t need these imitation products. In fact, our studies show that consumers would often prefer pulses just as they are,” says Henn

The studies also included a life cycle assessment for pulses which lays out their greenhouse gas footprints from production to consumption—start to finish. 

Average greenhouse gas emissions (in CO2) for various pulses:

  • Dried beans: 11 kg CO2/kg protein
  • Canned beans: 23 kg CO2/kg protein
  • Beef: 499 kg CO2/kg protein
  • Lamb: 198.5 kg CO2/kg protein
  • Protein: 190 kg CO2/kg protein
  • Cheese: 108 kg CO2/kg protein

“Our global population has just reached 8 billion and we are amid a climate crisis. This calls for three things that pulses can deliver: Food production that can nourish a growing population; that can be climate friendly without significant greenhouse gas emissions; and do so in a future with more difficult growing conditions that includes drought, among other things,” says Henn.

People with cluster headaches more likely to have other illnesses, study finds

Karolinska University Hospital (Sweden), January 20, 2023

Cluster headaches are attacks of severe pain often felt on one side of the head and often around the eye. 

The rare condition, affecting around 0.1% of the population, can be debilitating. People affected with cluster headaches can experience up to eight per day, with each one lasting anywhere between 15 and 180 minutes.

Cluster headaches are relatively short-lasting compared to migraine. Still, he describes the pain as “very severe (more so than any other pain reported)” and can also be accompanied by other “prominent features of eye-watering, redness, and nasal congestion.”

The cause of cluster headaches is not fully understood. Previous research suggests that the condition may be linked to abnormalities in the hypothalamus – the area of the brain which controls circadian rhythm.

New research at Karolinska University Hospital and Danderyd Hospital in Sweden suggests that people with cluster headaches are more likely to have other illnesses and have time off from work.

The study compared the works records and health data of 3,240 people diagnosed with cluster headaches to 16,200 people without cluster headaches.

Cluster headaches were associated with an increase in other diseases, including heart disease, mental disorders, and neurologic diseases. Indeed 92% of the people in the study with cluster headaches also had at least one other illness.

Interestingly, despite cluster headaches affecting men more than women, researchers found that 96% of the female participants in the study with cluster headaches had an additional illness compared to 90% of men.

Researchers found that during the study period, people with cluster headaches were almost twice as likely to take sick days as those without, 63 days compared to 34 days respectively.

Vitamin D found to improve symptoms of toxic erythema during chemotherapy

Northwestern University, January 19, 2023

High doses of vitamin D alleviated symptoms for patients with toxic erythema of chemotherapy (TEC) significantly faster than current treatments, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in JAMA Dermatology.

TEC is a common side effect of chemotherapy in which patients develop severe redness, blistering and swelling, often affecting the hands, feet or areas on the body with skin folds.

Previous work from Northwestern Medicine investigators demonstrated that high doses of vitamin D improved erythema in patients with severe sunburn and chemotherapy-related skin injuries, suggesting that the same results might apply in the case of TEC.

“With toxic erythema of chemotherapy, the chemotherapy causes toxic injury to skin, somewhat similarly to how UV radiation may cause direct skin injury,” said Cuong Nguyen, MD, assistant professor of Dermatology in the Divisions of Dermatopathology and Medical Dermatology, of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine, and lead author of the study.

In the current study, Nguyen’s team evaluated six patients between the ages of 36 and 38 years with TEC who received high doses of vitamin D at an academic medical center.

Four of the patients were diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and one with aplastic anemia, all of whom required chemotherapy before undergoing a stem cell transplant. One patient developed TEC after receiving chemotherapy for glioblastoma.

The onset of TEC occurred about one week after patients received chemotherapy treatment, who were then given varying dosages of vitamin D.

All patients experienced improvements in pain, itchiness or swelling after one day of treatment and improvement in redness within one to four days of treatment.