Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show Notes - 09.13.22


  1. Interview with Dr. Katarina (“Kat”) Lindley (32:45)
  2. Plandemic – Indoctornation (19:26)
  3. Science For Hire Trailer (4:45)

Declaration of An International Medical Crisis and Vaccination as a Cause of Rapid Increases in mortality 

Dr. Katarina Lindley is a board-certified family physician with a direct primary care practice in Texas.  Having grown up in Croatia war-torn Yugoslavia, she traveled and lived in Western Europe before arriving in the US to attend medical school in Florida. In addition to her clinical practice Kat has been active in medical activism to improve our broken healthcare system.  Kat is an active member in several medical and civic organizations including the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons and the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. She is on the Steering Committee of World Council for Health, a global network of over 130 organizations in 40 countries taking a lead in addressing the failures of government health ministries failures in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. ahe has testified in various health committees in the USA and internationally, including giving testimony at the FDA against the scientific rationale to vaccinate children with the Covid vaccines and boosters. Kat’s website is and