Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show Notes - 11.17.22

Videos :

  1. The Anti-Smartphone Revolution (8:00)
  2. Heather Mac Donald On How The Delusion of Diversity Destroys Our Common Humanity (11:14)
  3. The Strange Connections of Sam Bankman-Fried & FTX (9:11)
  4. The TRUTH about IVERMECTIN (13:00)

Korean ginseng prevents oxidative stress caused by work
Ohiol State University, November 07, 2022

People who are stressed may find relief from taking Korean ginseng. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food has revealed that the Korean ginseng called GINST15 can help reduce stress, mentally and physically. In the study, researchers from The Ohio State University in the U.S. found that Korean ginseng prevents damage caused by intense work stress due to its antioxidants. For the study, the researchers aimed to determine the effects of GINST15 supplement on hormonal and inflammatory responses to physical stress in humans. They recruited 10 women and nine men to participate in the study. The participants were tasked to complete three two-week treatment cycles with 960 milligrams (mg) of the Korean ginseng supplement, 160 mg of the Korean ginseng supplement, or a placebo, separated by a one-week washout period. After the treatment, the participants underwent an intense resistance exercise to induce physical stress. The participants also provided blood samples at rest and at various points after the exercise, particularly immediately, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 24 hours after exercise. Then, the researchers measured the levels of cortisol, superoxide dismutase, total glutathione, nonspecific antioxidant activity, total antioxidant power, and creatine kinase. The results showed that the supplementation of Korean ginseng reduced cortisol and increased enzymatic and nonspecific antioxidant activity. In addition, the high dose of the Korean ginseng supplement (960 mg) greatly reduced muscle damage and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) responses to physical stress 24 hours after the intense exercise. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that taking Korean ginseng supplements can help ward off mental and physical stress by reducing cortisol levels and muscle damage.

When low-income families can meet their basic needs, children are healthier
Boston Medical Center, November 8, 2022

A series of reports from five cities across the US found that young children and their parents are healthier when they are able to afford basic needs. New research published by Children’s HealthWatch, headquartered at Boston Medical Center, highlights the need for policymakers to improve access to and effectiveness of programs that enable all families with low incomes to afford basic needs such as food, shelter, utilities, medical care, prescription medicines and childcare.
Researchers surveyed more than 18,000 families of children under age 4 in the emergency departments and primary care clinics at urban hospitals in Baltimore, Boston, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and Little Rock. The study team created a composite measure of hardships that included a family’s ability to afford food, utilities, and health care, and maintain stable housing. All hardships described in the study have previously been associated with poor child and caregiver health. This study, however, examined the differences between children living in hardship-free families versus those in families with any or multiple hardships. In all cities, living in a hardship-free family was associated with good overall health for children and caregivers, positive developmental outcomes for young children, and positive mental healthamong mothers. Nearly half of families interviewed at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis reported that they were hardship-free. At Boston Medical Center, only about one quarter of the families surveyed reported zero hardships, which may be due to higher housing costs. The reports also examine the link between childcare constraints, when parents are unable to work or attend school because of an inability to afford childcare, and hardships. In each city, parents who reported being able to access affordable childcare were more likely to be hardship free. The research teams advocate for implementing policies to increase wages, along with ensuring access to programs that support low-income families being able to meet basic needs, such as food and housing security and medical care. Further, the authors suggested screening for hardships in health care settings and connecting patients and their families to resources that promote health.


Vitamin D vs. Flu Shots
Alliance for Natural Health & Queen Mary University, November 8, 2022

New research shows vitamin D helps prevent infection. Will the crony medical establishment listen? We at ANH-USA have been beating the drum about vitamin D and its well-documented anti-viral capabilities for years, and there is new evidence demonstrating vitamin D’s role in preventing respiratory infections. When faced with the choice of a cheap, safe, and effective natural immune defense against the flu, or an expensive, dangerous, and ineffective vaccine that makes drug companies billions of dollars—which will our crony health officials choose? The Queen Mary University of London study, which pooled data from 25 studies that included more than 10,000 participants, found that vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of respiratory infections (cold and flu) by 10 percent overall—and there are reasons to think this figure greatly understates the degree of protection. The protective effect of the sunshine vitamin was even more dramatic in those who were deficient. For the deficient, which about 40% of Americans are, the risk of infection was reduced by half with vitamin D supplementation. This builds upon earlier findings from a 2010 Japanese study which found that vitamin D supplementation was as effective as the vaccine at preventing colds and flu. Predictably, the media tries to diminish these findings, stating that “not everyone is convinced that this study should lead us to the supplement aisle.” We’re then told that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has determined that adults need only 600 IU of vitamin D—an amount that most Americans do not get from sun exposure or their diet alone. The IOM also said that a vitamin D blood level of 20 ng/mL was adequate This is nonsense. The Vitamin D Council, for example, recommends 5,000 IU of vitamin D per day to achieve at least 40 ng/mL; other integrative doctors we respect advise that the D serum level needs to be around 70 in order to avoid viral infection. Other calculations have shown that IOM recommendations are only about one-tenth of what is needed to cut the incidence of diseases related to vitamin D deficiency. What this means is that most Americans are not getting the vitamin D they need, in part because health authorities at the IOM and elsewhere in the government are mistaken when telling Americans how much to take. That we do not get enough vitamin D in our diet or through sun exposure to meet a paltry 600 IU means that the number of Americans who are deficient must be staggering. It is a crime that health authorities are not telling people to take vitamin D supplements. The good news is that this study shows that those who are deficient in vitamin D—likely most Americans, given how wrong the IOM is about how much vitamin D we really need—can reduce their risk of cold or flu by 50 percent. That is more effective than the flu vaccine usually is.


The therapeutic power of Indian frankincense for multiple sclerosis patients
Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (Iran), November 07, 2022

Boswellia serrata, the plant from which Indian frankincense is derived, can improve cognitive performance in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). This finding, from a study published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine, promises a new and natural way of delaying the complications and effects of MS. Neurons, the special cells that make up the nerves and the different parts of the nervous system, have what is called the myelin sheath. This is a layer that coats and protects the nerve fiber or axon, a long, thin projection that carries electrical impulses from one end of the neuron to the other. The myelin sheath insulates the axon and enhances its function, allowing it to more efficiently deliver messages between the brain and the different parts of the body. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks the cells that make up the myelin sheath. This causes the nerves to “short circuit” and creates problems in the way that messages are delivered from or to the brain. With time, multiple sclerosis can result in permanent nerve impairment and damage. Researchers say B. serrata can help remedy certain symptoms and effects of multiple sclerosis, in particular, the cognitive impairment that occurs in 40 to 65 percent of patients. This usually entails problems with complex attention, a slower information processing speed, and episodic lapses in memory and executive functions. MS-related cognitive impairment has been known to affect patients quality of life, personal relationships, and vocational potential.


Social media use increases depression and loneliness
University of Pennsylvania, November 8, 2022

The link between the two has been talked about for years, but a causal connection had never been proven. For the first time, University of Pennsylvania research based on experimental data connects Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram use to decreased well-being. Psychologist Melissa G. Hunt published her findings in the December Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. “We set out to do a much more comprehensive, rigorous study that was also more ecologically valid,” says Hunt, associate director of clinical training in Penn’s Psychology Department. To that end, the research team designed their experiment to include the three platforms most popular with a cohort of undergraduates, and then collected objective usage data automatically tracked by iPhones for active apps, not those running the background. Each of 143 participants completed a survey to determine mood and well-being at the study’s start, plus shared shots of their iPhone battery screens to offer a week’s worth of baseline social-media data. Participants were then randomly assigned to a control group, which had users maintain their typical social-media behavior, or an experimental group that limited time on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram to 10 minutes per platform per day.”Here’s the bottom line,” she says. “Using less social media than you normally would leads to significant decreases in both depression and loneliness. These effects are particularly pronounced for folks who were more depressed when they came into the study.” “It is a little ironic that reducing your use of social media actually makes you feel less lonely,” she says. But when she digs a little deeper, the findings make sense. “Some of the existing literature on social media suggests there’s an enormous amount of social comparison that happens. When you look at other people’s lives, particularly on Instagram, it’s easy to conclude that everyone else’s life is cooler or better than yours.”


Acupuncture at these specific points alleviates pain in cancer patients
Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, November 07, 2022

Cancer causes many adverse complications, including constant pain. A study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicinelooked into the viability of using acupuncture to soothe this pain and cause relief to cancer patients. Although cancers are named after the body part where the tumor – or tumors, in some cases – is located, its effects can be felt in other parts of the body. In the case of bone and testicular cancers, pain is one of the first signs. In others, such as pancreatic cancer, discomfort may be a sign that the disease has progressed or metastasized. The authors of the study wanted to know if acupuncture’s pain relieving properties extended to cancer patients. In a single-blind, randomized controlled pilot trial, they recruited 42 patients going through moderate to severe cancer pain. The participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups. Each group had 14 members. The first group had acupuncture at the acupoints si guan xue, while the second group combined si guan xue with commonly used acupoints. The third group served as the control and was treated only on the most frequently used acupoints.The researchers’ analysis showed that the second group experienced the most cancer pain reduction at around day five. This was compared to the control group. Scores in the PGIC, EORTC QLQ-C30, or KPS did not indicate much variance among the three groups. They concluded that acupuncture at the si guan xue, combined with commonly used acupoints, was the most effective at treating pain caused by cancer. However, a larger study needed to be performed owing to the small sample size employed by the present study.