The Hidden Toxins In Your Clothing By Dr. Edward F. Group III

Popular clothing stores, like H&M, Levi’s, and Gap, are beginning to turn their attention toward producing healthier and more environmentally-friendly clothing. [1] Increased consumer awareness around the dangers of synthetic dyes, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and phthalates in conventional clothing is fueling a drastic revolution in the fashion industry. Keeping in line with current trends, clothing retailers are finally attempting to appeal to health-conscious buyers as well as appease international health organizations.

How Toxins Invade Your Closet

During the production of clothes, toxic chemicals are used in almost every step. Synthetic fabrics are dyed with man-made chemical dying agents, fabrics are applied with toxins that make them immune to biodegradation, and many clothes contain buttons and accessories that contain known endocrine disruptors. Phthalates, for example, are sometimes found in buttons, and just a few of these worn on a person could, over time, contribute to hormonal imbalance. Common synthetic fabrics like nylon and acrylic are extremely toxic to the body and the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that inhalation of acrylonitrile, the main chemical compound used to produce acrylic fibers, shows carcinogenic potential via inhalation. [2]

Formaldehyde is essentially “baked” into fabric to make it resistant to wrinkling, which is bad news because research shows that this chemical is a human carcinogen. While it’s nice to save time and not have to iron your slacks, at what cost is this convenience factor to our future health? Nonylphenols are another class of endocrine disruptors used in some dying applications, and we’re now detecting levels of this chemical in our water. It is painstakingly clear that, for the future of our health and our planet, we must advocate for a change in the way our clothing is produced. Otherwise, we will be faced with a silent environmental and health crisis, one that may take decades to overcome.

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