Progressive Radio Network

Mark Riley Show

The Mark Riley Show – 08.05.15

In year since searing death, Ferguson sees uneven change. Yes, there has been change, but how substantial has it been? Did it take the death of Michael Brown to bring about that change?

Another exoneration in Brooklyn brings total since last year to 14. DA Ken Thompson deserves the credit for this, but it also begs the question, what was the Das office doing before he got there?

In Congress, Obama begins campaign for Iran nuclear deal. His efforts are both public and private. However, when people talk about a better deal, just how do they think they’ll get it? Back out of this one, do they really think the Iranians will come back to the table?

The Voting Rights Act at 50. Back in the day, when people would warn against the erosion of the Act, I was one of those who thought they were overreacting. I was wrong. The attacks on the Voting Rights Act teaches us we must remain vigilant, lest someone try and take what was won at a terrible price.

John Kasich is in, Rick Perry is out in first Republican debate. The whole concept of upper and lower tiers is anti democratic on its face. And to use polling??? Nothing more than a means to generate money.

A belated look at New York’s cooling towers, prime suspect in Legionnaires outbreak. No matter what the suspect, the City should have been quicker to act and inspect the towers, if that’s where they suspect it comes from.

Synthetic marijuana gives people abnormal strength, makes them dangerous: NYPD. Leaving aside the similarities to the reefer scare of the early 20th century, this K2 looks like a problem. The place to stop it is at the point of sale, pure and simple.

Bar owner eliminated tips, raised prices and started paying everyone $15 dollars an hour. This was in Portland, Oregon where the cost of living is very high. Do you think it’s a good idea? He did it immediately, not in increments like politicians do.

The restrictions journalists agreed to in order to attend the Koch brothers’ conference. You don’t really want to ask why they agreed, do you?

Jeb!: “I’m not sure we need a half billion dollars for women’s health issues. He’s moonwalking backward, but this one’s going to hurt him.

Horrific bad factory farmers can’t put you in jail for exposing them no more. No more AG-Gag? Time to celebrate!

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