The Mark Riley Show – 10.07.15

– US to release 6000 inmates from prisons. They’re trying to relieve overcrowding and rollback harsh sentences on non violent drug offenders. Both laudable goals, no matter what naysayers think.

– 2016 presidential contender Ben Carson defends remarks criticizing victims of Oregon shooting. Carson isn’t the first to run this, “victims should have done more” scenario. It should do serious damage to his presidential run.

– Australians are disgusted at the American response to the Oregon gun massacre. And they’re not talking about Ben Carson!

– Scandal erupts in the unregulated world of fantasy sports. I can’t figure out why this isn’t considered gambling I hear people talk about skill, but the fact is, you have to have skill to win at any game, poker, gin rummy, etc. And what are NFL owners doing with a stake in one of these fantasy sports sites now accused of insider trading? Oh yeah, and the NY Attorney General has launched an investigation.

– General thinks Kunduz strike broke rules. Yeah, somebody did when you hit a Doctors Without Borders hospital and kill 22 people.

– Americans make racist assumptions based on names, study finds. This is nothing new, but what does it take to change this? It’s like a lot of other American attitudes that are impervious to change.

– Rally invites fellow patriots, veterans, bikers, rednecks and good ‘ol boys to anti-Islam protest. Ever wonder why all these people don’t protest old fashioned American racism?

– Koch Bros. eyeing Marco Rubio for nearly $1 billion campaign contribution. This isn’t final yet, but it could be the one thing that puts Rubio’s campaign ahead of all others. He’s been trending up lately.

– Escalating Syria attack, Russia fires missiles from warships. And these warships aren’t next door. Some missiles travel 800-900 miles. Russia’s upping the ante, and we can’t say with certainty their not fighting ISIS.

– Mayor de Blasio shoots back at Gov. Cuomo on MTA funding, says city residents pay enough to keep subways running. First, the mayor and the governor need to cut the crap and play like grown ups. Second, the city should up its contribution.


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