Progressive Radio Network

Natural Nurse And Dr. Z

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – 11.03.15

The Beljanski Foundation: History of a Pioneer in Cancer Research
Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN,, interviews Dr. John Hall, PhD – Senior Scientific Advisor at The Beljanski Foundation. Dr. Hall completed graduate work in biochemistry at Princeton University and New York University.  As a post-doctoral fellow and then as a professor at Rockefeller University, his research focused on the fundamental mechanisms relating cell motility to cell division and cancer.  He has served as an executive and as a consultant in the biotechnology industry, and he is currently Director of Research at Natural Source International, Ltd., as well as Senior Scientific Advisor for The Beljanski Foundation. Dr John Hall was awarded his PhD in biochemistry in the same department in which Mirko Beljanski was a visiting research fellow in Severo Ochoa’s laboratory at NYU in 1950.
On today’s show, Dr. Hall will discuss the history of the research and practice of Dr. Mirko Beljanski, whose work assisted many people successfully deal with a cancer diagnosis, as documented in the book, The Regulation of DNA Replication and Transcription, by Mirko Beljanski.