Dr. James Lyons-Weiler is the CEO and Director of The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, which performs research in the public interest aimed at finding ways to reduce human suffering using funds donated from the public . He holds a doctorate in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology and has taught at the University of Nevada and the University of Pittsburgh. His research has focused on aluminum toxicity, autoimmunity, and the differences in health outcomes between highly vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and he has served as an expert witness in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. A life-long biomedical researcher, he is best known for contributions to advances in medical bioinformatics. Dr. Lyons-Weiler has directed the analysis of data from over 100 medical studies, published over 60 papers in reputable journals, and has authored three books including The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism, and has published over 60 papers in reputable journals. Jim’s online University (IPAK-EDU) brings reason, logic and scientific facts to the debates in the public square. His substack blog, posting articles about the pandemic, vaccines, genetics, the pharmaceutical medical complex and social issues is PopularRationalism.substack.com and his institute’s website is IPAKnowledge.org
Dr. Shannon Kroner is the Executive Director of Freedom of Religion-United Solutions, an interfaith coalition of religious leaders who have united to protect religious freedom in making vaccine choices aiding Americans to obtain religious vaccine exemptions for work and school. Professionally, Dr. Kroner is a Clinical Psychologist who holds a doctorate from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and a Master’s in Special Education, with a focus in Educational Therapy. For over two decades she has been working with special needs families. Shannon’s doctoral dissertation addressed childhood vaccinations from a psychological viewpoint into the ways parents make decisions regarding vaccinating their children. She is the author of the children’s book, I’m Unvaccinated and That’s Okay. Her websites are DrShannonKroner.com and ForUnitedSolutions.org.