Progressive Radio Network


The Real Story Behind The Anti-Vaccine Billboards That Are Going Viral

An Indiana father discovered his efforts to honor the life of his lost vaccine-injured daughter were recently vandalized, when a billboard he ordered was thoughtlessly spray painted by two men. If these criminals knew the heartache this father has faced during his daughter’s 36-year battle with vaccine injuries, compassion and common sense would dictate that they would not have committed such a cruel, heartless act.

Jim O’Kelly, 74, with support from the new Anti-Vaccination League of America and others, has funded the display of seven billboards in northwestern Indiana, in hopes of informing parents of the truth about the medical and vaccination system in America. Many people are unaware that vaccine companies cannot be sued if a child suffers a vaccine injury or death from a vaccine. O’Kelly wants vaccine manufacturers and the government to “prove the vaccines save lives or repeal all mandatory laws.”

This travesty has been standard policy since 1986, when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed by the US government. Families whose children are injured or killed by vaccines must take their case to a special court before the two-year statute of limitations expires. The emotional and financial costs are more than most families can bear. Over $2.5 billion dollars has been awarded to vaccine injury victims and their families, although, sadly, two out of three applicants are denied their requests. [1]

A Little Girl Lost