In America today we are witnessing what could be called an uncivil war; one in which a massive divide exists between elements of this government, the business sector and the people of America; where little to no common ground or compromise on key issues can be found and the opposing factions are aggressively battling each other.
Within this government the two major parties espousing two distinctly different political ideologies, are constantly battling over key issues and the direction this country should take. Opposing elements in this society have developed seemingly irreconcilable differences on a wide variety of societal issues. Then we have the business sector, whose objectives and actions are largely at odds with those of the people.
So let’s examine further just how this war is wreaking havoc across this country:
There could be no better example of the great divisions in America than the recent violent protests in Baltimore over yet another incident where police used highly questionable and overly excessive force against an African-American citizen. This follows in the wake of many other similar incidents in various parts of the country that are indicative of the wide chasm that exists between law enforcement agencies and African American citizens.