This Can’t Be Happening – 05.20.15

Dr. Kris Neuhaus, an associate of the murdered Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, has been the target for since his death of rabid anti-abortionists in that state. She talks with host Dave Lindorff about a new law passed in Kansas that bars a standard, safe procedure for second-term abortions, jeopardizing the health of many Kansas women. Dr. Neuhaus also talks about her struggle to regain the medical license stolen from her by the state’s so-called Board of Healing Arts (a body stacked with non doctors whose only qualification is their anti-abortion stance), and her struggle to save the family farm in the face of a $100,000 bill by that board for the “costs” of their hearing to cancel her license. (For those who’d like to contribute to her fight, go to: www.

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