Thomas Lodi – Why green juice is better than water

When we search for life on another planet, what we are actually looking for is water. If there is life anywhere “out-there”, there must be water. No water, no life – it’s that simple and yet, that profound.

It has been said that “water is the new gold” because it is actually safer to eat out of your toilet than the ocean.  There is even “designer water” from $8 to $60 a bottle sold at Harrods in London or in Beverly Hills.

One problem: Pure water is almost impossible to find anywhere on planet Earth

In recent years there has been a tremendous amount of interest and research regarding water. Thanks to G.W. Pollack, PhD at the University of Washington (and others), we now understand that water actually “structures” itself, such that its ‘fundamental biological property of being the medium necessary for life’ becomes possible.

This ‘structured water’ is referred to by Dr. Pollock as the “fourth phase of water”; the other three being, of course solid (ice), liquid and gas (vapor or steam).

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