Progressive Radio Network


Today On iEat Green at 10:00 AM EST

Host Bhavani speaks with guest Alethea Vasilas and Aidan Feeney on the subject of their special farm on Long Island.

Alethea Vasilas Bio- incorporates her background in dance, somatic therapeutic exploration, cultural anthropology, and organic farming into the cultivation of vegetables and new relational kinesthetic possibilities that come about at the interface of agriculture and neurodiversity.  She holds a B.A. in Africana Studies from Brown University, an M.A. in Socio-Cultural Anthropology from Columbia University, and certification in Biodynamics, Permaculture Design, and Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy. She has over twelve years of experience on an organic farm, and 6 years experience working with autistic adults. She was the farm and project manager for SustainAbility Farm, Orkestai’s mentor farm, for the 2013 growing season. She is currently training as a Psychoanalyst at the Institute of Expressive Analysis in Manhattan.

Aidan Feeney Bio- Originally hailing from Nantucket Island, Aidan grew up with a strong passion for the outdoors. Upon graduating high school, he worked several years in landscaping and tree service which led him to a fascination with farming. He left Nantucket for the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, where he received a bachelors degree in agriculture from Sterling College, and most importantly began to learn the craft working with farmers. Aidan has worked in livestock and dairy operations in addition to organic vegetable production. After managing a vegetable enterprise for two years in the Hudson Valley, he moved to Long Island to work as the farm manager at Youngs Farm in Old Brookville, NY.  He is also Orkestai Farm& agricultural mastermind, along with his partner, Natasha Phieffer.