Progressive Radio Network

The Torch

The Torch - 01.23.17

Paul Stanford is the founder of The Hemp and Cannabis
Foundation(THCF), THCF Medical Clinics, and the Campaign for the
Restoration and Regulation of Hemp (CRRH). He has helped over 250,000
patients obtain a legal permit to use medical marijuana in the states
where it is legal. He was instrumental in the decades long political
battle that led to legalization of marijuana for adult use in Oregon.
He discusses the latest moves by the Trump administration to limit the
legalization movement through threats of increased federal

Major Neill Franklin (Ret.) is a 34-year veteran of both the Maryland
State Police and the Baltimore Police Department who oversaw 17
separate drug task forces. He is Executive Director of the Law
Enforcement Action Partnership.  LEAP’s mission is to unite and
mobilize the voice of law enforcement in support of drug policy and
criminal justice reforms that will make communities safer by focusing
law enforcement resources on the greatest threats to public safety,
Ending the War on Drugs and looking beyond the criminal justice system
to better protect human rights, reduce violence and addiction, and
build public respect for and trust in law enforcement.


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