Progressive Radio Network

The Torch

The Torch - 03.05.18

Greg Mello is director and co-founder of the Los Alamos Study Group.
He’s an  engineer and regional planner. Greg led the first
environmental enforcement at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Greg’s
research, analysis, and opinions have been published in the New York
Times, Washington Post, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Issues
in Science and Technology, and in the New Mexico press.

Tom Clements is director of Savannah River Site Watch, born in
Savannah, Georgia he attended Emory University and the University of
Georgia. He was the Green Party candidate for the United States Senate
from South Carolina where he got nearly 10% of the vote, the best
third party showing in the state since 1954. SRS Watch has won several
political battles on behalf of the environment and against nuclear
weapons proliferation that have closed weapons reactors and nuclear
waste dumps at the Savannah River Site.


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