Progressive Radio Network

The Torch

The Torch - 03.26.17

Emily Siegel
Interfaith Peace-Builders

Interfaith Peace-Builders sends delegations to Israel/Palestine so
that residents of North American can see the conflict with their own
eyes, to spend time in Palestinian and Israeli homes, and to
experience the situation of Palestinians living under military

Kathy McClellan
Whisperer: Whistleblower and Source Protection

She has represented whistleblowers from the National Security Agency
(NSA), Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security.

Kathy Manley
National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms

Kathy Manley works with many civil rights groups, including Project
SALAM, the Muslim Solidarity Committee, National Lawyers Guild, and
the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms,

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