Progressive Radio Network

Trends This Week

Trends This Week – Face the Truth or Face World War III – 11.18.15

Global forecaster Gerald Celente, in the aftermath of the Paris attacks, calls out the mainstream media, political leaders, so-called military experts and candidates in the Presidential Reality Show for failing to see the reasons why terrorism flourishes. Immediately following the Paris attacks, the airwaves were filled with screams for revenge and a doubling down on the fight against “evildoers.” So debased from reality has it become that the crowd at last week’s Presidential Reality Show debate cheered when GOP contender Marco Rubio declared that terrorists “hate us because our girls go to school. They hate us because women drive in the United States.” How ridiculous! Stop invading and destroying other countries. …Later, Celente offers highlights from his heralded Trends Journal, which published this week with contributions from natural healing icon Gary Null, geopolitical powerhouse Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, renowned economist Nomi Prins and many others. And Gary Null joins him on this broadcast to talk geopolitics and a very special upcoming trends and well being retreat in Florida this coming January, “Prepare for 2016.”


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