Progressive Radio Network

Trends This Week

Trends This Week – In The Age of Stupid, consequences of disaster – 03.09.16

Across the globe and around the world, from nations’ capitals to city halls, they come in all sizes, shapes, races, creeds and colors. A gang of lunatics run and ruin life on Earth under the guise that the parties they belong to represent We the People and the policies they promote will bring financial security and military victory. Pick a country. Name the names. With few exceptions, those in charge boast track records of fiasco, economic disasters and mass destruction. From the highest governmental offices to the military to central-bank policymakers, they double down on catastrophes they created by promising great success from their monumental failures. The current path to the future is clear: more of the same, but much worse. However, when a critical mass who wants to live in peace and gracious beauty take life in their own hands and take it away from those whose greatest ambition is to rule and control, the Renaissance 2.0 we had forecast will prevail.


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