Progressive Radio Network

Truth To Power

Truth To Power - 09.29.17

The Mathematician who insists that the HIV story of AIDS does not add up.


Charles Ortleb, the author of Truth to Power, discusses Rebecca Culshaw’s scathing critique of the HIV theory of AIDS. Culshaw who is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Texas and the author ofScience Sold Out, has published several journal articles about the mathematical modeling of HIV immunology. After working for a decade on HIV, Culshaw came to the conclusion that the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is untenable and the cause of a reign of terror and discrimination against the gay and black communities.

Charles Ortleb is the world’s first newspaper publisher and editor to take the intertwined epidemics of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome seriously. He has become the leading expert on the political relationship between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS. His growing list of podcasts take you deep inside the dark jungle of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome science, politics, and fraud. Click shows below to begin listening. And please come back. Here you’ll find a ton of things you never knew or thought about.










You can show your approval and support for this radio show by buying one or more of Charles Ortleb’s books on the dishonest science and politics of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, HHV-6, HIV, and AIDS.
Charles Ortleb’s books on Amazon
All are available in print and Kindle versions.

Special offer for listeners to this podcast: 99 cents on Kindle for a limited time.

The definitive history of the intertwined epidemics of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Print version: $19.59. Kindle version: 99 cents.


Notes for a political philosophy of epidemiology and science inspired by the fraud and
deceit in AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome research.
Print version $14.99. Kindle version: 99 cents.
A provocative work of fiction that asks what would have happened is the gay movement had
been totally destroyed at the Stonewall Riots.
Print version: $7.99. Kindle version: 99 cents.
The Animal Farm for a new generationA laugh-out-loud political satire about the new totalitarianism of public health.
Print version: $14.95. Kindle version: 99 cents.
Charles Ortleb’s stunning first collection of poetry.
Print version: $14.99. Kindle versin: 99 cents.



His play:
The Black Party