U.S. Elections: Worst among established democracies

Over fourteen hundred international election experts gathered data last year and pronounced the United States last in election integrity among long-standing democracies. On a 100-point scale, the U.S. received an integrity rating of 69.3 percent — one notch ahead of the narco-drug state Colombia at 69.1 percent and just behind the nearly-narco-drug state of Mexico at 69.8 percent, neither country with a long-standing democracy.

  “The November 2014 Congressional elections got poor grades because experts were concerned about the electoral laws, voter registration, the process of drawing district boundaries, as well as regulation of campaign finances,” according to the Electoral Integrity Project report.

The experts particularly found U.S. voting registration problematic. So let me summarize that for you. We have 50 different state election laws — some quite fair, others authoritarian in nature. With the elimination of the Voter’s Rights Act of 1965, Republicans have declared open season on Black, Latino, elderly and young voters. Over 90 percent of the U.S. House districts are rigged to be non-competitive. Corporations can secretly launder money into political campaigns. And our Supreme Court has declared corporations are people and spending money is free speech.

Of course the report worded this in a bit more scholarly manner: “America also suffers from exceptionally partisan and decentralized arrangements for electoral administration.” To put it bluntly, there is no Constitutional right to vote, as there is in the European Union Constitution.

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