Progressive Radio Network


Ugo Bardi - Carbon Capture Finally Cracked? Why You Can’t Fight Climate Change With Coke or Pepsi

Some time ago, I found myself trying to explain to a journalist why I opposed CO2 mining in Tuscany. I said something like, “it makes no sense that the regional government spends money to reduce CO2 emissions and, at the same time, allows this company to extract CO2 that, otherwise, would stay underground.” “But”, the journalist said, “I have interviewed the people of this company and they say that the CO2 they extract is not dispersed into the atmosphere – it is stored.” “And where is it stored in?” I said. “They sell it to companies that make carbonated drinks.” I tried to explain to him that producing Coca Cola or Pepsi is not the way to fight climate change, but I don’t think he really understood.\

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