Imagine if you had a product to sell that didn’t require advertising or marketing, but the majority of people thought they had to have it. Better still, millions of children and adults are forced to obtain your product in order to keep their jobs or go to school.

The government is one of your guaranteed buyers. Your product doesn’t need to be 100% effective or 100% safe. If your product hurts your consumers, you won’t be held liable for damages. Instead, your product is taxed and the money goes to consumers or family members of those who were harmed or killed by the product. You don’t even need to be involved in the court cases, to determine who gets the money. The government will do that for you.

Vaccines operate under a different business model than anything else that is bought and sold in America. And don’t fool yourself into believing pharmaceutical companies don’t make a profit off of vaccines. Each vaccine is worth billions of dollars.

The Market Economy, Better Known as the Free Market

In a free market, the public is never coerced into buying anything. There are multiple manufacturers, buyers, and sellers of every product. In order for companies to stay in business, their products must stand on their own. Companies compete with each other and are free to enter and leave the marketplace. No industries or companies receive special protection from the government, so safety becomes a financial responsibility as well as a moral one.

A free market is competitive, with companies competing with one another for customers and employees. In order for this system to work, the marketplace must be decentralized, with market power spread out over many businesses and households, not concentrated in the hands of a few politically powerful businesses and government agencies.

Free Markets Produce Favorable Efficient Outcomes, as if Guided by an Invisible Hand

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