Human survival demands that we make a new pact with the Earth and between diverse peoples, based on a new vision of planetary citizenship. A pact based on reciprocity, caring and respect, on taking and giving back, on sharing the resources of the world equitably among all living species. It begins by seeing and cherishing the soil as a living entity, a Terra Viva, whose survival is essential to our own.

The future will be cultivated from the soil, and no longer from the skewed global market of fictitious finance, corporate personhood and consumerism. We need to move from this corporate-centred worldview to one centred on the Earth family. Wherever we are on this planet, the soil is our bedrock. The Earth is our home. We must reclaim it from corporate manipulation and greed, and care for it, together, in recognition of our common humanity and common responsibility.

We stand at the threshold of a transition from the anthropocentric paradigm to one of Earth democracy, which recognises that we are all members of the Earth community. As Earth citizens we have a duty to care for all beings and share the Earth’s gifts with all people. By shifting from a culture of greed and the vicious cycles of violence, we can start creating virtuous cycles of nonviolence; we move from negative economies of destruction, to living economies that sustain life; we transform negative politics and cultures to living democracies that include concern for and participation of all life.

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